Clip Fuck

Downwards Throwing



Throwing two stones downwards at the same time

Throwing two stones downwards at the same time

Basic foldable spade throws into sand part 3

Basic foldable spade throws into sand part 3

One very hard and explosive downwards throw of a foldable spade with a jump beforehand

One very hard and explosive downwards throw of a foldable spade with a jump beforehand

Downward military shovel head throws with the left hand part 5

Downward military shovel head throws with the left hand part 5

One very hard and explosive downwards club hammer throw for depth and impact into the ground (GIF)

One very hard and explosive downwards club hammer throw for depth and impact into

One hard jumping downwards throws of a halved sand lime brick (movie)

One hard jumping downwards throws of a halved sand lime brick (movie)