epic trap gank
![epic trap gank]()
no takedown trap gank
![no takedown trap gank]()
"Let's gank Lux" - Heca and Zed, 2020
!["Let's gank Lux" - Heca and Zed, 2020]()
LoL Katarina gets ganked in the midlane

Vlad Outplays 1v2 (Rammus Gank)
![Vlad Outplays 1v2 (Rammus Gank)]()
Classic Silver Gank
![Classic Silver Gank]()
Smoke ganks gone wrong
![Smoke ganks gone wrong]()
gank bitch 18-08-20 20-16-56
![gank bitch 18-08-20 20-16-56]()
Lee Sin Tied to gank
![Lee Sin Tied to gank]()
being ganked again...
![being ganked again...]()
Ganking an Ekko WeirdChamp
![Ganking an Ekko WeirdChamp]()
Rengar Gank
![Rengar Gank]()
Jax gank = GG
![Jax gank = GG]()
Ganking Darius Always Works
![Ganking Darius Always Works]()
Oof, Barely
![Oof, Barely]()
Early Ganks
![Early Ganks]()
How to set up for a lane gank as top Shaco
![How to set up for a lane gank as top Shaco]()
Warlock Gank Fail
![Warlock Gank Fail]()
Counter Gank
![Counter Gank]()
traps bad for ganking btw
![traps bad for ganking btw]()
For Honor: What in GANKnation?
![For Honor: What in GANKnation?]()
Ra Double Kill
![Ra Double Kill]()
Tsukuyomi is fun and interactive
![Tsukuyomi is fun and interactive]()

Jaina got ganked at The Barrens (LzrSFM, Audio by Nexus763)
![Jaina got ganked at The Barrens (LzrSFM, Audio by Nexus763)]()
Clean Gank
![Clean Gank]()
Janna ganked my PC
![Janna ganked my PC]()
Rise of the Gravity Mage
![Rise of the Gravity Mage]()
A real bruiser-ass Darius plays the ganks right
![A real bruiser-ass Darius plays the ganks right]()
Wonyoung gets ganked trying to spoil [LieV]
![Wonyoung gets ganked trying to spoil [LieV]]()
Heimer survives top gank
![Heimer survives top gank]()
Gotem Coach
![Gotem Coach]()
I won't Gank you if you help me with something

Death prophets interesting gank

Yordle Gank(Tristana,Poppy)[RougeNine]
![Yordle Gank(Tristana,Poppy)[RougeNine]](/thumbs/71/cf/DrearyDeficientHyena.jpg)
little 18 year old gets Ganked on New worlds MMORPG :D [OC} plz stop stealing my content

Gank my lane

Widowmaker Getting Ganked (Bewyx)

That’s what you get for remotely trying to gank lanes~

Akali gets ganked (Bewyx)

Stupid toplaner! I ganked you so many times and yet you still kept dying and lost us the game! Maybe you’re better off as a fuckdoll than a laner-

Ganking botlane is so fun! I get to destroy the enemy ADC, and my ADC always thanks me.

Gank Midlane? Check. Catch the enemy laner? Check. Hot, steamy, womb-breaking sex? Also check.

You didn’t do that bad mid, guess you just needed a couple ganks to win your lane. Consider this your repayment.

Thank you for the gank, mr jungler~ Here’s your reward

Psylocke gets ganked by Venom (bouquetman)

Me and my jungler after she ganks my lane 3 times in 5 minutes, hehe~

S-stupid Kindred! Ganking my- ooh!~ lane all game long! Didn’t expect me- mmhf~ to get so fed though, did you? Hehe~

Katarina Du Couteau counter ganked [ League of Legends ]
![Katarina Du Couteau counter ganked [ League of Legends ]](/thumbs/51/d6/FullWigglyMussaurus.jpg)
Mmmh~ I’m such a good toplane slut~ mid and jungle roamed up just to gank my island, had to drop everything and thank them immediately, hehe~

vex ganked by a werewolf --- [matty_vd]
![vex ganked by a werewolf --- [matty_vd]](/thumbs/6d/64/WellwornScholarlySpadefoot.jpg)
Mmh~ winning lane was so easy with my jungler constantly ganking, hehe~ But I do have to pay my side of the deal now~

The only thing that separates a Gwen main from a complete and total whore is that they know how to press the W key right before the enemy jungler is about to finish 'ganking' inside her pussy.

Maybe…trying to 1v2 after my gank failed…was a mistake hehe~