Look at me. I'm the jungler now.
![Look at me. I'm the jungler now.]()
Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends
![Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends]()
MFW Jungler helps me out early
![MFW Jungler helps me out early]()
TSM Junglers
![TSM Junglers]()
Turn Around Moment
![Turn Around Moment]()
Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends
![Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends]()
Thank your jungler

oh boy a free jungler
![oh boy a free jungler]()
Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends
![Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends]()
I feel so bad for this lee
![I feel so bad for this lee]()
10-16 NA1-3537466783 02
![10-16 NA1-3537466783 02]()
When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane
![When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane]()
When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane
![When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane]()
Better Jungler Wins
![Better Jungler Wins]()
Helped them take first tower and finally got some jungler appreciation

Heals on heels Sona and Soraka botlane helping their jungler ( Glory_to_God )

GUESS MY FAVORITE POSITION: TOP OR BOT? (No Jungler or Mid, funny guy)

Vex feeding the enemy jungler (DevilsCry)

I'm always so confident locking in Miss Fortune whenever i get autofilled as ADC against all those broken junglers and supports out there, just to end up regretting it, how rough a pirate's life is (reiq)

You're really enjoying this, aren't you? Stealing you away from your cuck loser bf ADC duo was probably the best thing to happen to you; you get to support superior jungler cock~

Thank you for the gank, mr jungler~ Here’s your reward

Me and my jungler after she ganks my lane 3 times in 5 minutes, hehe~

What a horny ADCslut you are, hehe~ thanking your jungler and support for getting your fat ass fed is what you should be doing after winning~

Giving my jungler what he asked for after I went 0/6 but he single-handedly won us the game, hehe~

Trying to 1v2 us just because your jungler’s coming? How cute~ we’ll take you first, then your jungler after, hehe~

As a jungler; is it an optimal objective trade to give Drake for Ahri pussy? How much gold is getting to hate fuck Ahri worth exactly?

Mmh~ winning lane was so easy with my jungler constantly ganking, hehe~ But I do have to pay my side of the deal now~

How every ADC should thank her jungler after a successful lane gets her fed~

The only thing that separates a Gwen main from a complete and total whore is that they know how to press the W key right before the enemy jungler is about to finish 'ganking' inside her pussy.