Clip Fuck




Look at me. I'm the jungler now.

Look at me. I'm the jungler now.



Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends

Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends

MFW Jungler helps me out early

MFW Jungler helps me out early

TSM Junglers

TSM Junglers

Turn Around Moment

Turn Around Moment



Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends

Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends

Thank your jungler

Thank your jungler

oh boy a free jungler

oh boy a free jungler

Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends

Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends

I feel so bad for this lee

I feel so bad for this lee



10-16 NA1-3537466783 02

10-16 NA1-3537466783 02

When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane

When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane

When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane

When your jungler doesn't want to gank your lane

Better Jungler Wins

Better Jungler Wins

Helped them take first tower and finally got some jungler appreciation

Helped them take first tower and finally got some jungler appreciation

Heals on heels Sona and Soraka botlane helping their jungler ( Glory_to_God )

Heals on heels Sona and Soraka botlane helping their jungler ( Glory_to_God )

GUESS MY FAVORITE POSITION: TOP OR BOT? (No Jungler or Mid, funny guy)

GUESS MY FAVORITE POSITION: TOP OR BOT? (No Jungler or Mid, funny guy)

Vex feeding the enemy jungler (DevilsCry)

Vex feeding the enemy jungler (DevilsCry)

I'm always so confident locking in Miss Fortune whenever i get autofilled as ADC against all those broken junglers and supports out there, just to end up regretting it, how rough a pirate's life is (reiq)

I'm always so confident locking in Miss Fortune whenever i get autofilled as ADC

You're really enjoying this, aren't you? Stealing you away from your cuck loser bf ADC duo was probably the best thing to happen to you; you get to support superior jungler cock~

You're really enjoying this, aren't you? Stealing you away from your cuck loser bf

Thank you for the gank, mr jungler~ Here’s your reward

Thank you for the gank, mr jungler~ Here’s your reward

Me and my jungler after she ganks my lane 3 times in 5 minutes, hehe~

Me and my jungler after she ganks my lane 3 times in 5 minutes, hehe~

What a horny ADCslut you are, hehe~ thanking your jungler and support for getting your fat ass fed is what you should be doing after winning~

What a horny ADCslut you are, hehe~ thanking your jungler and support for getting

Giving my jungler what he asked for after I went 0/6 but he single-handedly won us the game, hehe~

Giving my jungler what he asked for after I went 0/6 but he single-handedly won us

Trying to 1v2 us just because your jungler’s coming? How cute~ we’ll take you first, then your jungler after, hehe~

Trying to 1v2 us just because your jungler’s coming? How cute~ we’ll take you

As a jungler; is it an optimal objective trade to give Drake for Ahri pussy? How much gold is getting to hate fuck Ahri worth exactly?

As a jungler; is it an optimal objective trade to give Drake for Ahri pussy? How

Mmh~ winning lane was so easy with my jungler constantly ganking, hehe~ But I do have to pay my side of the deal now~

Mmh~ winning lane was so easy with my jungler constantly ganking, hehe~ But I do

How every ADC should thank her jungler after a successful lane gets her fed~

How every ADC should thank her jungler after a successful lane gets her fed~

The only thing that separates a Gwen main from a complete and total whore is that they know how to press the W key right before the enemy jungler is about to finish 'ganking' inside her pussy.

The only thing that separates a Gwen main from a complete and total whore is that