soma's highlight 19-02-11 08-14-32
![soma's highlight 19-02-11 08-14-32]()
soma's highlight 19-02-23 18-27-29
![soma's highlight 19-02-23 18-27-29]()
Fuckin' D.Va
![Fuckin' D.Va]()
dva potg quickplay illios 18-05-27 19-23-13
![dva potg quickplay illios 18-05-27 19-23-13]()
WTF? Tracer: 11 clips and a pulse bomb, no damage
![WTF? Tracer: 11 clips and a pulse bomb, no damage]()
Beating them at their own game
![Beating them at their own game]()
Her Name is Zelda
![Her Name is Zelda]()
oh quickplay 18-10-24 07-01-25
![oh quickplay 18-10-24 07-01-25]()
Overwatch: The Efficient McCrizzle
![Overwatch: The Efficient McCrizzle]()
weird staggered defense
![weird staggered defense]()
quickplay be like 19-07-18 20-08-53
![quickplay be like 19-07-18 20-08-53]()
Quickplay widow can be fun sometimes
![Quickplay widow can be fun sometimes]()
soma's highlight 20-06-21 04-23-55
![soma's highlight 20-06-21 04-23-55]()
soma's highlight 20-06-21 04-24-59
![soma's highlight 20-06-21 04-24-59]()
HUNT SHOWDOWN red barrel kill
![HUNT SHOWDOWN red barrel kill]()
You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby

qudkill quickplay 18-05-15 21-27-56
![qudkill quickplay 18-05-15 21-27-56]()
qudkill quickplay 18-05-15 21-27-56
![qudkill quickplay 18-05-15 21-27-56]()
qudkill quickplay 18-05-15 21-27-56
![qudkill quickplay 18-05-15 21-27-56]()
Lucio helps, but no wins

mccree dead eye quad
![mccree dead eye quad]()
15/12/2020 Genji quad
![15/12/2020 Genji quad]()
mccreee team kill 24/1/2020
![mccreee team kill 24/1/2020]()
Oh nyooo :pepehands:
![Oh nyooo :pepehands:]()
Did a thing
![Did a thing]()
Terezi as Genji

gotta high noon this shit 4 man quickplay 18-05-17 18-11-57
![gotta high noon this shit 4 man quickplay 18-05-17 18-11-57]()
I did a sneak
![I did a sneak]()
Small Hammer

Hunt Showdown Balls to the Wall Quickplay
![Hunt Showdown Balls to the Wall Quickplay]()
boop orisa overwatch potg quickplay clip
![boop orisa overwatch potg quickplay clip]()
hanamura overwatch quickplay zen zen highlight zenyatta clip
![hanamura overwatch quickplay zen zen highlight zenyatta clip]()
busan overwatch quickplay reinhardt well played widowmaker clip
![busan overwatch quickplay reinhardt well played widowmaker clip]()
ana ana nano ana sleep hanamura overwatch quickplay sleep sleepdart tracer sleep clip
![ana ana nano ana sleep hanamura overwatch quickplay sleep sleepdart tracer sleep]()
highlight overwatch quickplay zen clip
![highlight overwatch quickplay zen clip]()
3k ana overwatch quickplay clip
![3k ana overwatch quickplay clip]()
ana ana potg overwatch overwatch potg quickplay watchpoint clip
![ana ana potg overwatch overwatch potg quickplay watchpoint clip]()
blizzard world quickplay zarya zarya potg clip
![blizzard world quickplay zarya zarya potg clip]()
moira moira potg overwatch potg quickplay watchpoint clip
![moira moira potg overwatch potg quickplay watchpoint clip]()
hanzo moira overwatch quickplay spawncamp clip
![hanzo moira overwatch quickplay spawncamp clip]()
mei overwatch potg quickplay clip
![mei overwatch potg quickplay clip]()
potg quickplay widow clip
![potg quickplay widow clip]()
overwatch quickplay rein reinhardt triple triple kill clip
![overwatch quickplay rein reinhardt triple triple kill clip]()