Clip Fuck

The Nature Of Science



This #pangolin is probing an insect tunnel with its extremely long tongue, ? retrieving prey with the help of a very sticky saliva. Once th

This #pangolin is probing an insect tunnel with its extremely long tongue, ? retrieving

Precession of a Gyroscope: in defiance of gravity this gyroscope is supported only at one end. The physics and vector nature of angular mome

Precession of a Gyroscope: in defiance of gravity this gyroscope is supported only

This #pangolin is probing an insect tunnel with its extremely long tongue, ? retrieving prey with the help of a very sticky saliva. Once th

This #pangolin is probing an insect tunnel with its extremely long tongue, ? retrieving

The most hilarious and uncomfortable scene in all of reality tv history.

The most hilarious and uncomfortable scene in all of reality tv history.

Evolution - The light Organ of the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid

Evolution - The light Organ of the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid

Copying iridescent colours from the natural world

Copying iridescent colours from the natural world

Deadly Blue-ringed Octopus

Deadly Blue-ringed Octopus

The Making of a Theory: Darwin, Wallace, and Natural Selection — HHMI BioInteractive Video

The Making of a Theory: Darwin, Wallace, and Natural Selection — HHMI BioInteractive

Let’s test the bouncy-ness of this bed… for science

Let’s test the bouncy-ness of this bed… for science

This time I used warm water and submerged the tip! For science of course 😇

This time I used warm water and submerged the tip! For science of course 😇