At the Grand Galloping Gala Español MLP FiM
Auf der Gala (The Gala Song) [German]
MLP FIM Italian Opening Season 2(With Lyrics)
MLP: FiM - Cupcake Song - Canción de Cupcakes (Latinamerican Version)
MLP: FiM [PMV]: Sonic Boom
When I'm 20% cooler
Cutie Mark Showdown (Princess Dark Matter Final Boss Theme)
Grannies at the Dance Club - MLP: Friendship Is Magic [Season 8]
Diamond Tiara Tells a Hilarious Joke
Pinkie Pie's Singing Telegram - Romanian
Миний бяцхан одой морь | MLP:FiM - Official Mongolian opening
Fluttershy yay
Laughter Song | Polish Version [1080p] [HQ Audio]
Czołówka Equestria Girls (Equestria Girls theme song) | Polish version
Princess Luna - Very well then, be that way
Lullaby for a Princess
Applejack & Pinkie - (stretching necks)
At The Gala | French Version
Nightmare Moon - you're kidding
Pinkie Pie - (nom nom nom)
Philomeena Holds Her Breath For a Full Minute
Fluttershy - yay
Rainbow Dash - Not cool
Twilight - I don't get it
Sweetie Belle - Oh come on!
Pinkie Pie - No, no, no, NO
MLP:FiM - Hop Skip and Jump Song [Official Ukrainian dub]
Sweetie Belle - I really like her mane 2
Fluttershy - (fighting scene)
Fluttershy - (fighting scene)
Sweetie Belle - I really like her mane
Rarity - you're just saying that
Sweetie Belle - I really like her mane
Sweetie Belle - I really like her mane 2
Fluttershy - (fighting scene)
Sweetie Belle - I really like her mane
MLP FiM - I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala - Turkish [LQ]
MLP FiM - Poney Pokey - Turkish [LQ]
Rarity - you're just saying that
MLP:FiM - I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala [Official Ukrainian dub]
MLP:FiM - So Many Wonders "Song" [Official Ukrainian dub]
Coinky-Dink World | MLP: Equestria Girls | Summertime Shorts! [HD]
MLP:FiM - The Ticket "Song" [Official Ukrainian dub]
Last Specter's "Rumble!" Music Fits this Scene Perfectly
Last Specter's "Rumble!" Music Fits this Scene Perfectly
Twilight Sparkle - Monitor everything!
Sweetie Belle - I really like her mane
Giving Makes You Special! (Remake!)
Scootaloo - That's so funny I forgot to laugh
Fluttershy - (fighting scene)
Fluttershy - Were we arguing, I'm sorry
Apple Bloom - She got called out of town on account of a family emergency
Pipsqueak - Pipsqueak the pirate, at your service
Y'all know this one
Twilight Sparkle Tip Toe
Animation Big Chrysalis FiM Fluffle Friendship Little MLP Magic Marksaline My Pony Poptart Puff Queen Sis is clip