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Power Rangers Season 1 - Make My Monster Grow Compilation

Power Rangers Season 1 - Make My Monster Grow Compilation

"I don't do dirty dancing!" said Michael Jackson..../ [ Michael Jackson sexy moments]

"I don't do dirty dancing!" said Michael Jackson..../ [ Michael Jackson

"I don't do dirty dancing!" said Michael Jackson..../ [ Michael Jackson sexy moments]

"I don't do dirty dancing!" said Michael Jackson..../ [ Michael Jackson

Endures being crushed, then dropped by a giant

Endures being crushed, then dropped by a giant

Defeats Twin Man copying his powers

Defeats Twin Man copying his powers

Throws Power Sword hard enough to knock down Twin-Man

Throws Power Sword hard enough to knock down Twin-Man

Power Rangers Car Wars, Episode 9: Little Blue Lies

Power Rangers Car Wars, Episode 9: Little Blue Lies

Absolutely SLAUGHTERS an army of Z Putties

Absolutely SLAUGHTERS an army of Z Putties

Lifts the Ultrazord by spinning staff really fast

Lifts the Ultrazord by spinning staff really fast

power ranger robot dance

power ranger robot dance

Jason leads the team, despite Self confidence being drained by the Crystal

Jason leads the team, despite Self confidence being drained by the Crystal

Remote Controlled Tyrannosarus Dinozord

Remote Controlled Tyrannosarus Dinozord

Takes down some putties

Takes down some putties

Quickly beats Zack in a sparring match

Quickly beats Zack in a sparring match

Ninja Skill comparison

Ninja Skill comparison

Blocking and strikes

Blocking and strikes

Forever Red Trashing Cogs

Forever Red Trashing Cogs

Zordon calls Jason a "fine leader"

Zordon calls Jason a "fine leader"

Has advantage over Commander Crayfish

Has advantage over Commander Crayfish

Utterly DEVASTATES Robogoat

Utterly DEVASTATES Robogoat

Uses the itching curse he's under to his advantage

Uses the itching curse he's under to his advantage

Beats Goldar Morphed

Beats Goldar Morphed

Tyrannosaurus Blast

Tyrannosaurus Blast

Jason wants to be a hero

Jason wants to be a hero

Forever Red One Liner

Forever Red One Liner

Punched, slashed, and blasted by Shellshock and keeps fighting

Punched, slashed, and blasted by Shellshock and keeps fighting

Takes two blasts from TwinMan

Takes two blasts from TwinMan

Red Dragon Thunderzord dropping finisher

Red Dragon Thunderzord dropping finisher

Teleportation is "Lightspeed"

Teleportation is "Lightspeed"

Tyrannosaurs Dinozord keeps fighting after an assault, forms megazord

Tyrannosaurs Dinozord keeps fighting after an assault, forms megazord

Thunder Slingers oneshot Super Putties

Thunder Slingers oneshot Super Putties

Knocks back Babe Rtuhless' attack

Knocks back Babe Rtuhless' attack

Dragon Thunderzord and Warrior Mode

Dragon Thunderzord and Warrior Mode

Hit by Boulders and blasted off a cliff

Hit by Boulders and blasted off a cliff

Lipsyncher comparison

Lipsyncher comparison

Power Weapons Explanation

Power Weapons Explanation

Red Dragon Thunderord flying and using Tigerzord as a mount

Red Dragon Thunderord flying and using Tigerzord as a mount

Megazord Explanation

Megazord Explanation

Combo attack with Dragonzord

Combo attack with Dragonzord

Super Putties Durability

Super Putties Durability