Clip Fuck




Travis Scott - beibs in the trap ft. NAV

Travis Scott - beibs in the trap ft. NAV

Shotgun Row

Shotgun Row

Shotgun Row

Shotgun Row

Dumbbell 6 Ways (Raise)

Dumbbell 6 Ways (Raise)

Sled Row

Sled Row

American Deadlift

American Deadlift

Snatch-Grip Behind-The-Neck Overhead Press

Snatch-Grip Behind-The-Neck Overhead Press

Lever Narrow Grip Shrug (plate loaded)

Lever Narrow Grip Shrug (plate loaded)

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press



American Deadlift

American Deadlift

Underhand-Grip Rear Lateral Raise

Underhand-Grip Rear Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell Deadlift

Side Bridge

Side Bridge

Side Bridge

Side Bridge

Side Bridge

Side Bridge

Side Bridge

Side Bridge

Tripod Dumbbell Row

Tripod Dumbbell Row

Alternating Dumbbell Snatch

Alternating Dumbbell Snatch

Self-assisted Chin-up

Self-assisted Chin-up

Self-assisted Chin-up

Self-assisted Chin-up

Self-assisted Rear Pull-up

Self-assisted Rear Pull-up

Self-assisted Chin-up

Self-assisted Chin-up

Self-assisted Chin-up

Self-assisted Chin-up

Cable Upright Row (with rope attachment)

Cable Upright Row (with rope attachment)

Hang Clean and Press

Hang Clean and Press

American Deadlift

American Deadlift

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press

Dumbbell Rack Carry

Dumbbell Rack Carry

Lever Incline Row (plate loaded)

Lever Incline Row (plate loaded)

Full Range-Of-Motion Lat Pulldown

Full Range-Of-Motion Lat Pulldown

Lever Reclined Shoulder Press (plate loaded)

Lever Reclined Shoulder Press (plate loaded)

Smith Upright Row

Smith Upright Row

Standing Barbell Rear Delt Row

Standing Barbell Rear Delt Row

Self-assisted Chest Dip

Self-assisted Chest Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Self-assisted Triceps Dip

Half Kneeling Cable External Rotation

Half Kneeling Cable External Rotation

Look mom, no legs!

Look mom, no legs!

Cable Rear Delt Fly

Cable Rear Delt Fly

American Deadlift

American Deadlift

Weighted Chest Dip

Weighted Chest Dip

Tripod Dumbbell Row

Tripod Dumbbell Row

Modified Inverted Row

Modified Inverted Row

Tripod Dumbbell Row

Tripod Dumbbell Row

Triceps Dip (bent knees between benches)

Triceps Dip (bent knees between benches)

Triceps Dip (bent knees between benches)

Triceps Dip (bent knees between benches)

Lever Triceps Dip (plate loaded)

Lever Triceps Dip (plate loaded)

Frog Feet Lift

Frog Feet Lift

Cable Bar Behind Neck Press

Cable Bar Behind Neck Press

Front Delt Raise

Front Delt Raise

Front Delt Raise

Front Delt Raise

Front Delt Raise

Front Delt Raise

vestibular 6

vestibular 6

Back (Upper) Biceps Chest Forearms Lats Machine Shoulders clip

Back (Upper) Biceps Chest Forearms Lats Machine Shoulders clip

Abs Back (Upper) Machine Rotator Cuff Shoulders clip

Abs Back (Upper) Machine Rotator Cuff Shoulders clip

Abs Back (Upper) Biceps Forearms Machine Rotator Cuff Shoulders clip

Abs Back (Upper) Biceps Forearms Machine Rotator Cuff Shoulders clip