Great Sexpectations (1984) "have you ever been fucked in the ass Mrs. Exeter."
![Great Sexpectations (1984) "have you ever been fucked in the ass Mrs. Exeter."]()
Kelly Madison Shares With You Her Vacation Fuck Videos

Fuck you Fridays. These girls are nobody's bitches. We love strong women. @moflo1 (McQueen) @officialalibrie (Brie) @minkakelly (Kelly)
![Fuck you Fridays. These girls are nobody's bitches. We love strong women. @moflo1]()
The way he fucks her here is so good you can tell she’s enjoying it which makes it so hot

One of my favourite scenes, definitely in my top 10 ... When you look up lust in the dictionary, Kelly Divine comes up... I'm telling you guys... when she was in her prime Jonni should've booked her for an entire feature movie

Kelly Wells gives you the spit from the bottom of her throat

You're not man enough to be publicly dating/fucking your gf so she found a proper man instead and you're left as the emotional tampon and simp

He spends more time with your girlfriend (Kelly Gale) and fucks her more than you do, due to their close professional relationship

"Fucking disgusting!" Why you sound like you dlow love it tho 🤔Dana -> Kelly's Ass