Barroth - Squad Perspective - Monster Hunter: World Beta
Epic Ebony Flinch
Long Sword combo - Velkhana
Coiisa me salvando da Namielle AT
Monster Hunter: World - Great Sword Overview
Monster Hunter World - A Satisfying Tail Sever
monster hunter gif by @SunhiLegend
Blade - End Fight Scene (HD)
Blade - End Fight Scene (HD)
Monster Hunter: World - Great Sword Overview
Monster Vendetta
Damage Demo for Dante's Devil Sword - Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter World - A Satisfying Tail Sever
SnS Helmbreaker
MHWorld Beta | Diablos solo (Long Sword) - 7'31
MHWorld Beta | Diablos solo (Long Sword) - 7'31
Monster Hunter World - Long Sword Luv
Finishing the Anjanath with Long Sword combo
Long Sword combo - Namielle
Interrupting the Velkhana supreme attack with Helm Breaker
Long Sword combo on Raging Brachydios
Long Sword combo on Barioth
Combando o Latrel
AYAYA no Latrel
Perfect Rush Charged