This is why I could never be vegan. Look at all that meat!
“Dad it’s fine as long as we never tell mom.”
My Mom and I have gotten very close since Dad left
They never have this much fun with whitebois like you
Rec my Mom After Dad Left for Work
I’ll never tell their husbands why they always come out with my on the weekend ?
Went to visit my mom for Mother's Day. She left me alone in the kitchen so I decided to have some fun on Snap, accidentally sent it to my dad though..oopsie ?
my mom always wonders why cleaning my teeth takes her 18yo girl that long
Mom doesnt understand why I get upset when she leaves on trips. If only she knew how dad acts when he is drunk without her around...
You dad left you and your mom when you were 13. He said you we pathetic and would never amount to anything. Since then your mother has been lonely and just needs a man in the house that can take charge. If only you could protect her
Why on earth do I have a such tight cervix ? oh yes I never delivered naturally ! Damned caesarean !