Clip Fuck

Duo Queue



Duo queue toxic griefing even in unrated

Duo queue toxic griefing even in unrated

When You're in Sync (feat. Oxmozz)

When You're in Sync (feat. Oxmozz)

While duo queuing with my boyfriend, I met a REALLY nice tank...I hope my boyfriend doesn't mind if I queue with him for a little bit instead....

While duo queuing with my boyfriend, I met a REALLY nice tank...I hope my boyfriend

Duo queue and chill?

Duo queue and chill?

Each time I queue as tank and I carry, I can't help myself but revisualise how i gapped my duo and we can't queue together cause i'm too high on rank~

Each time I queue as tank and I carry, I can't help myself but revisualise how i

PoV: you told me and my gf we’re a fun duo to play with and you’d like to queue with us~

PoV: you told me and my gf we’re a fun duo to play with and you’d like to queue