Bamz #001

@trinitytrice ?

?? @QueensTouchCeo

Barbara Julia / 19 years old

Zuzka Light

Zuzka Light

?Time to grow ? On va voir combien de kilos propre on peut mettre.? Ce n’est pas la course au poids; de la masse oui; mais de la qualité.

@mzllkarrameella _ -->Welcome To My Fitness Family ❤ _
![@mzllkarrameella _ -->Welcome To My Fitness Family ❤ _]()
@evaquiala ?
![@evaquiala ?]()
Two babes having fun

Wow!? @soyneiva & @miaupper .
![Wow!? @soyneiva & @miaupper .]()
Really wasn’t thinking on posting this report but as coach already did it then I think it looks good enough! I’ve read I’m the prodigy from
![Really wasn’t thinking on posting this report but as coach already did it then]()
Thank you @roundonegym for always keeping my workouts new and interesting ? #neveradullmoment
![Thank you @roundonegym for always keeping my workouts new and interesting ? #neveradullmoment]()
![FULL BODY WORKOUT | Jelena Fit]()
Another one of my new campus board exercises. It’s a alternative to one arm pull ups and I think a bit more applicable for climbing rather t

#fitness #aesthetic #shredded #fitnessindia #motivation #fitlife #back #goals #bodybuilding #gains

Recovering with a little cryotherapy. Can you guess what I was jamming out to to make the time pass?? ?? . . .

Zuzka Light

fitlife_with_v - Beautiful 😍