My Name Is Earl S01E01 - Black baby
*NSFW* Preasha Shows Interactive Oral Sex Training to Hollywood Unlocked [UNCENSORED]
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot - I watch those Marvel Movies more than I watch Pornhub
Chasing Amy - Small
xx penis man's for rated dick
Chasing Amy - Happy relieved
Chasing Amy - The quarter falls
Will You Marry Me?
Mallrats - Brodie disbelief, eye roll
Mallrats - Metal heads
Chasing Amy - Clapping and wtf
Chasing Amy - Slow clap
Chasing Amy - Slow clap (wide)
Morphin' Grid summons Jason to help the Dino Charge and Beast Morpher teams
Chasing Amy - Shocked reaction 2
Chasing Amy - Thank Christ
Chasing Amy - Shocked reaction
Chasing Amy - Shocked wait what
Chasing Amy - Shocked wait what (text)
Defeats Twin Man copying his powers
Jason lifts and swings Zack and Kim hard enough to send Putties flying
Chasing Amy - Small (short)
Somehow makes Bulk drop a pie with Sausage Nunchucks.
Jason leads the team, despite Self confidence being drained by the Crystal
Jason controls the Dragonzord
Bomber Morphed dodge
Power of Gold Speedblitz
Power of Gold interfere's with the power chamber and is "Clear off the Scale"
Dodges blast from Tough Tusks
Bomber Jason uses Gold Rush
Blocks all of Tommy's strikes
Jason's known martial arts styles
Alongside Zack, Dances around Bulk and Skull
Blocking and strikes
Forever Red Overpowers and stomps General Venjix
Forever Red Trashing Cogs
Creative use of the Enviroment
Beats down Z putties and oneshots Three with a kick
Uses the itching curse he's under to his advantage
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - Kick Some Ass
Chasing Amy - Shrug
Chasing Amy - I feel a hate crime coming on
Chasing Amy - How perceptive
Mallrats - What can I say? I love tits
Mallrats - There are just some things you do not mention in public
Jason Overpowers Bones
Does over 1000 reps again, before being interrupted
Double Ranger slash
Leaps to the top of his Zord
Jason wants to be a hero
Forever Red One Liner
Jason's greatest fear is failing his team
Uses Power Coin to summon/Signal MMPR and Dino Thunder teams
Shatters the Crystal of Nightmares with one kick
Warrior Wheel Explanation
Does over 1000 reps before getting interrupted