Morphin' Grid summons Jason to help the Dino Charge and Beast Morpher teams
![Morphin' Grid summons Jason to help the Dino Charge and Beast Morpher teams]()
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (4/10) Movie CLIP - I'm Bruce Lee (1993) HD
![Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (4/10) Movie CLIP - I'm Bruce Lee (1993) HD]()
Endures being crushed, then dropped by a giant
![Endures being crushed, then dropped by a giant]()
Defeats Twin Man copying his powers
![Defeats Twin Man copying his powers]()
Jason lifts and swings Zack and Kim hard enough to send Putties flying
![Jason lifts and swings Zack and Kim hard enough to send Putties flying]()
Somehow makes Bulk drop a pie with Sausage Nunchucks.
![Somehow makes Bulk drop a pie with Sausage Nunchucks.]()
Jason leads the team, despite Self confidence being drained by the Crystal
![Jason leads the team, despite Self confidence being drained by the Crystal]()
Jason controls the Dragonzord
![Jason controls the Dragonzord]()
Bomber Morphed dodge
![Bomber Morphed dodge]()
Warrior Wheel Speed
![Warrior Wheel Speed]()
Throws an over the shoulder axe kick
![Throws an over the shoulder axe kick]()
Power of Gold Speedblitz
![Power of Gold Speedblitz]()
Power of Gold interfere's with the power chamber and is "Clear off the Scale"
![Power of Gold interfere's with the power chamber and is "Clear off the Scale"]()
Power of Gold Gold Rush
![Power of Gold Gold Rush]()
Warrior Wheel stomps Stinky
![Warrior Wheel stomps Stinky]()
Dodges blast from Tough Tusks
![Dodges blast from Tough Tusks]()
Bomber Jason uses Gold Rush
![Bomber Jason uses Gold Rush]()
Kicks a cog hard enough to short it out
![Kicks a cog hard enough to short it out]()
Blocks all of Tommy's strikes
![Blocks all of Tommy's strikes]()
Takes down some putties
![Takes down some putties]()
Jason's known martial arts styles
![Jason's known martial arts styles]()
Alongside Zack, Dances around Bulk and Skull
![Alongside Zack, Dances around Bulk and Skull]()
Blocking and strikes
![Blocking and strikes]()
Forever Red Overpowers and stomps General Venjix
![Forever Red Overpowers and stomps General Venjix]()
Forever Red Trashing Cogs
![Forever Red Trashing Cogs]()
Creative use of the Enviroment
![Creative use of the Enviroment]()
Beats down Z putties and oneshots Three with a kick
![Beats down Z putties and oneshots Three with a kick]()
Uses the itching curse he's under to his advantage
![Uses the itching curse he's under to his advantage]()
Shrugs off blows from Putties
![Shrugs off blows from Putties]()
Jason Overpowers Bones
![Jason Overpowers Bones]()
Tyrannosaurus Blast
![Tyrannosaurus Blast]()
Does over 1000 reps again, before being interrupted
![Does over 1000 reps again, before being interrupted]()
Double Ranger slash
![Double Ranger slash]()
Takes a blast from the Knasty Knight and his Blade Blaster reflected at him
![Takes a blast from the Knasty Knight and his Blade Blaster reflected at him]()
Gets back up from blast from Dragonzord
![Gets back up from blast from Dragonzord]()
Shrugs off a kick from a putty
![Shrugs off a kick from a putty]()
Leaps to the top of his Zord
![Leaps to the top of his Zord]()
Jason wants to be a hero
![Jason wants to be a hero]()
Gets back up after Tyrannosaurzord's Volcano Breath attack
![Gets back up after Tyrannosaurzord's Volcano Breath attack]()
Forever Red One Liner
![Forever Red One Liner]()
Jason's greatest fear is failing his team
![Jason's greatest fear is failing his team]()
Takes two blasts from TwinMan
![Takes two blasts from TwinMan]()
Uses Power Coin to summon/Signal MMPR and Dino Thunder teams
![Uses Power Coin to summon/Signal MMPR and Dino Thunder teams]()
Shatters the Crystal of Nightmares with one kick
![Shatters the Crystal of Nightmares with one kick]()
Warrior Wheel Explanation
![Warrior Wheel Explanation]()
Does over 1000 reps before getting interrupted
![Does over 1000 reps before getting interrupted]()
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