The L Word - Leisha Hailey - yuk, ugh, disgusted
![The L Word - Leisha Hailey - yuk, ugh, disgusted]()
The L Word - You have a really nice ass (cropped)
![The L Word - You have a really nice ass (cropped)]()
The L Word - You have a really nice ass
![The L Word - You have a really nice ass]()
The L Word - Leisha Hailey - I know right smile
![The L Word - Leisha Hailey - I know right smile]()
The L Word - high five
![The L Word - high five]()
The L Word - fun gay
![The L Word - fun gay]()
The L Word - oh shit reaction shocked
![The L Word - oh shit reaction shocked]()
The L Word - really 2
![The L Word - really 2]()
The L Word - resentful
![The L Word - resentful]()
The L Word - sarcastic perfect gesture
![The L Word - sarcastic perfect gesture]()
The L Word - I like the penis
![The L Word - I like the penis]()
The L Word - I am a little low on the sperm tonight
![The L Word - I am a little low on the sperm tonight]()
The L Word - bathroom break during cycling
![The L Word - bathroom break during cycling]()
The L Word - sigh smile naughty grin
![The L Word - sigh smile naughty grin]()
The L Word - You have a really nice ass (cropped - short)
![The L Word - You have a really nice ass (cropped - short)]()
The L Word - sigh smile
![The L Word - sigh smile]()
The L Word - cute nervous smile

The L Word - beautiful women smiling and striking a pose
![The L Word - beautiful women smiling and striking a pose]()
The L Word - woman holding a gun turning around

The L Word - woman running goofy
![The L Word - woman running goofy]()
The L Word - singing while drunk
![The L Word - singing while drunk]()
The L Word - women running goofy
![The L Word - women running goofy]()
The L Word - surprise shock reaction
![The L Word - surprise shock reaction]()
The L Word - awesome (wide)
![The L Word - awesome (wide)]()
The L Word - wow fascinating sarcastic
![The L Word - wow fascinating sarcastic]()
The L Word - oh wow
![The L Word - oh wow]()
The L Word - wow fascinating flirty
![The L Word - wow fascinating flirty]()
The L Word - Oh, my God, you guys are on crack
![The L Word - Oh, my God, you guys are on crack]()
The L Word - What did I do?

The L Word - You guys are on crack
![The L Word - You guys are on crack]()
The L Word - You guys have great morals
![The L Word - You guys have great morals]()
The L Word - oh my god omg
![The L Word - oh my god omg]()
The L Word - What the frickin' frack?!?
![The L Word - What the frickin' frack?!?]()
The L Word - wtf (text)
![The L Word - wtf (text)]()
The L Word - wtf
![The L Word - wtf]()
The L Word - really
![The L Word - really]()
The L Word - ooh fun for you

The L Word - cheer
![The L Word - cheer]()
The L Word - I know what you're looking for
![The L Word - I know what you're looking for]()
The L Word - multiple eye rolls
![The L Word - multiple eye rolls]()
The L Word - frowning

The L Word - whatever shrug
![The L Word - whatever shrug]()
The L Word - disgusted reaction
![The L Word - disgusted reaction]()
The L Word - puzzled confused reaction
![The L Word - puzzled confused reaction]()
The L Word - shocked reaction
![The L Word - shocked reaction]()
The L Word - Retorical angry WHAT
![The L Word - Retorical angry WHAT]()
The L Word - Retorical angry WHAT (txt)
![The L Word - Retorical angry WHAT (txt)]()
The L Word - Leisha Hailey - I need you to tell me exactly what happened
![The L Word - Leisha Hailey - I need you to tell me exactly what happened]()
The L Word - What are you doing here?

The L Word - bored audience
![The L Word - bored audience]()
The L Word - boring (text)
![The L Word - boring (text)]()
The L Word - boring
![The L Word - boring]()
The L Word - alice flirting
![The L Word - alice flirting]()
The L Word - bad vibes
![The L Word - bad vibes]()
The L Word - are you on crack
![The L Word - are you on crack]()
The L Word - Hey weirdos
![The L Word - Hey weirdos]()
The L Word - told ya
![The L Word - told ya]()
The L Word - sudden realization of something awful
![The L Word - sudden realization of something awful]()
The L Word - awesome
![The L Word - awesome]()
The L Word - sure
![The L Word - sure]()