LoL Katarina gets ganked in the midlane

Giving my whiny midlaner a kill
![Giving my whiny midlaner a kill]()
The ONLY Mid Lane Macro Guide You'll EVER NEED - League of Legends Season 9
![The ONLY Mid Lane Macro Guide You'll EVER NEED - League of Legends Season 9]()
Anivia Double
![Anivia Double]()
Midlane is way too easy- these sluts just give up after killing them once.

Gank Midlane? Check. Catch the enemy laner? Check. Hot, steamy, womb-breaking sex? Also check.

Enemy midlaner made a compelling argument as to why it wasn’t her fault she lost lane to me. Unfortunately for her, I care little what my brand-new pets think, hehe~

Stop squirming so much, it will all be over soon. You shouldn't have wagered on winning midlane against me though.

I’m afraid you have to choose between us, darling~ Is it going to be the ADC who put up with you taking CS and kills all lane long? Or the midlaner who roamed to botlane and cleaned up your mess?~

Oh relax, no need to be so tense. The enemy midlaner willingly gave herself to us after we won the match, and I'm doing you a huge favor by making her use her mouth on you. Least you could do is enjoy it.

Assassin midlaner? You’re much better suited as a bunny concubine to my cock, but since you insist- I’ll enjoy breaking you over and over, hehe~

“ekfgogksha” is that all you can type back after I beat you in lane and charmed your ass? Hehe~ you’re much better suited to be a Vastayan cock-polisher than being a threatening midlaner~

Kissing my support after she roamed up to midlane to help me get a kill on the enemy. Such a good girl!~

Thank you for roaming from midlane all the time just to help me win lane, hehe~