Clip Fuck

Solo Ulted



solo ult__17-10-15_02-39-39

solo ult__17-10-15_02-39-39

yes, i solo ulted bastion

yes, i solo ulted bastion

genji solo ult on mercy cause why not junkertown

genji solo ult on mercy cause why not junkertown

when you solo ult a dva feelsgoodman

when you solo ult a dva feelsgoodman

Bye Widow

Bye Widow

bastion ult solo 18-03-02 01-08-16

bastion ult solo 18-03-02 01-08-16

solo team kill w max fail ult 18-03-01 22-44-26

solo team kill w max fail ult 18-03-01 22-44-26

kas solo ults me and goes nuts 18-03-21 17-16-18

kas solo ults me and goes nuts 18-03-21 17-16-18

solo ulting widow

solo ulting widow

get solo ult'd 19-02-08 09-03-04

get solo ult'd 19-02-08 09-03-04