Clip Fuck




Sour Spot Upsmash Tech Trap

Sour Spot Upsmash Tech Trap



Fox Sheik drill reset upsmash BF

Fox Sheik drill reset upsmash BF

Leffen does a very sneaky ambiguous nair to catch Mango and land a techchase upsmash

Leffen does a very sneaky ambiguous nair to catch Mango and land a techchase upsmash

vs Ganon KO1 spike (how did that work), FAN Smash x2 1:36, Upsmash KO2

vs Ganon KO1 spike (how did that work), FAN Smash x2 1:36, Upsmash KO2

Smash5 UpSmash Hitbox

Smash5 UpSmash Hitbox

Upsmash>monkey flip kick

Upsmash>monkey flip kick

Doc Guide Gifs: Punishing on-stage upB with upsmash fair

Doc Guide Gifs: Punishing on-stage upB with upsmash fair

charge upsmash finish

charge upsmash finish

Doc Guide Gifs: Simple upsmash fair vs Fox

Doc Guide Gifs: Simple upsmash fair vs Fox

Fox marth fair upsmash plats combo BF - Copy

Fox marth fair upsmash plats combo BF - Copy

Fox ditto wavedash uptilts into shine upsmash FD

Fox ditto wavedash uptilts into shine upsmash FD

Fox ditto running shine upsmash kill on no tech FD

Fox ditto running shine upsmash kill on no tech FD

Fox Marth bair fair upsmash against Ice PS

Fox Marth bair fair upsmash against Ice PS

When u got the upsmash read

When u got the upsmash read

ledgedash turnaround uptilt rising nair falling nair upsmash

ledgedash turnaround uptilt rising nair falling nair upsmash

Grab Break Upsmash into ShinGrab?

Grab Break Upsmash into ShinGrab?

excellent edgeguard grab upsmash

excellent edgeguard grab upsmash

Doc Guide Gifs: Upsmash into fair after landing on stage

Doc Guide Gifs: Upsmash into fair after landing on stage

Fox peach fair upsmash combo PS

Fox peach fair upsmash combo PS

Fox peach fair upsmash combo PS

Fox peach fair upsmash combo PS

Waveshine upsmash oos fox peach PS

Waveshine upsmash oos fox peach PS

side b upsmash read

side b upsmash read

First hit up smash? SURE, WHY NOT!

First hit up smash? SURE, WHY NOT!

Silly UpSmash OOS

Silly UpSmash OOS

Upsmash Read

Upsmash Read

Fishing for an Upsmash

Fishing for an Upsmash

UpSmash > Fair

UpSmash > Fair

UpSmash > Upair > Upair

UpSmash > Upair > Upair