Clip Fuck

X Nuffyy



Clean double

Clean double

0 second dish

0 second dish

Fake kickoff dbl touch

Fake kickoff dbl touch

Kenny thought he could pass me

Kenny thought he could pass me

Bump to ceiling finish

Bump to ceiling finish

Decent team play

Decent team play

Fake kickoff team play

Fake kickoff team play

Clean rebound

Clean rebound

Clean redirect

Clean redirect

Clean outplay on 3

Clean outplay on 3

Clean redirect

Clean redirect

Wave dash pop

Wave dash pop

Wave dash outplay

Wave dash outplay

Reset wave dash laser

Reset wave dash laser

Weird doomsie scoop

Weird doomsie scoop

Weird reset dunk

Weird reset dunk

Fast paced redirect

Fast paced redirect

Boom from a pass

Boom from a pass

Nutty ceiling shot

Nutty ceiling shot