lucio faster ult cast 18-04-15 18-19-01
![lucio faster ult cast 18-04-15 18-19-01]()
Honeycam 2019-02-18 19-52-18

reddit thing 18-01-18 19-28-25
![reddit thing 18-01-18 19-28-25]()
thicc bomb 18-06-12 18-19-57
![thicc bomb 18-06-12 18-19-57]()
notthrowing ctf 4k ult 18-02-18 19-42-37
![notthrowing ctf 4k ult 18-02-18 19-42-37]()
900iq trap 18-03-14 18-19-03
![900iq trap 18-03-14 18-19-03]()
Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn 2018.10.14 -
![Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn 2018.10.14 -]()
nyquistd's highlight 18-05-24 21-18-19
![nyquistd's highlight 18-05-24 21-18-19]()
the tyre 18-02-08 18-19-55
![the tyre 18-02-08 18-19-55]()
get fucked 18-10-18 19-41-58
![get fucked 18-10-18 19-41-58]()
widow junkertown 3k 18-12-18 19-55-31
![widow junkertown 3k 18-12-18 19-55-31]()
lol trash widow 18-01-18 19-35-47
![lol trash widow 18-01-18 19-35-47]()
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 2019.08.18 -
![Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 2019.08.18 -]()
nocts's highlight 18-03-14 15-18-19
![nocts's highlight 18-03-14 15-18-19]()
double boop 18-02-18 19-12-32
![double boop 18-02-18 19-12-32]()
Honeycam 2019-02-18 19-18-33

Honeycam 2020-01-18 18-19-32

alt tabbing back in 18-02-18 19-25-09
![alt tabbing back in 18-02-18 19-25-09]()
bye tracer 18-02-18 19-40-09
![bye tracer 18-02-18 19-40-09]()
tracer's highlight 18-01-14 18-19-00
![tracer's highlight 18-01-14 18-19-00]()
brigitte dead assist 18-04-21 18-19-56
![brigitte dead assist 18-04-21 18-19-56]()
i crie 18-02-18 19-35-34
![i crie 18-02-18 19-35-34]()
fuck pharah 02 18-09-18 19-29-58
![fuck pharah 02 18-09-18 19-29-58]()
aigis's highlight 18-01-18 19-16-32
![aigis's highlight 18-01-18 19-16-32]()
epic mccree 18-06-11 18-19-23
![epic mccree 18-06-11 18-19-23]()
brig stun 20-05-18 19-16-19
![brig stun 20-05-18 19-16-19]()
clean hanzo main 18-04-18 19-58-31
![clean hanzo main 18-04-18 19-58-31]()
qp pulse lul 18-03-18 19-40-47
![qp pulse lul 18-03-18 19-40-47]()
so sneaky 18-04-18 19-36-30
![so sneaky 18-04-18 19-36-30]()
WhatsApp Video 2020-09-10 at 18.19.18

ana deflect on soldier 18-04-18 19-43-00
![ana deflect on soldier 18-04-18 19-43-00]()
ana potg 18-02-26 17-18-19
![ana potg 18-02-26 17-18-19]()
depois desse nunca mais 18-03-18 19-50-58
![depois desse nunca mais 18-03-18 19-50-58]()
6k bb 19-09-18 19-07-03
![6k bb 19-09-18 19-07-03]()
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 2020.03.18 -
![Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 2020.03.18 -]()
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 2018.11.18 -
![Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 2018.11.18 -]()
rlc's highlight 18-06-02 18-19-50
![rlc's highlight 18-06-02 18-19-50]()
rlc's highlight 18-06-02 18-19-50
![rlc's highlight 18-06-02 18-19-50]()
boostedlul's highlight 18-05-18 19-44-06
![boostedlul's highlight 18-05-18 19-44-06]()
nights's highlight 18-05-18 19-23-44
![nights's highlight 18-05-18 19-23-44]()
another widow 6k 18-04-18 19-39-13
![another widow 6k 18-04-18 19-39-13]()
pure fucking skill 18-03-18 19-58-16
![pure fucking skill 18-03-18 19-58-16]()
big dick nrg 19-02-18 19-37-47
![big dick nrg 19-02-18 19-37-47]()
hanzo 18-05-13 18-19-38
![hanzo 18-05-13 18-19-38]()
vlc-record-2020-09-20-02h20m18s-Sea of Thieves 2020.09.19 -
![vlc-record-2020-09-20-02h20m18s-Sea of Thieves 2020.09.19 -]()
everything but aim 18-03-18 19-07-12
![everything but aim 18-03-18 19-07-12]()
5k 18-12-18 19-09-34
![5k 18-12-18 19-09-34]()
i shot and i missed, i shot and i missed, ups hit 18-01-03 18-19-08
![i shot and i missed, i shot and i missed, ups hit 18-01-03 18-19-08]()
bascus's highlight 18-01-18 19-27-14
![bascus's highlight 18-01-18 19-27-14]()
moira soloing everybody 18-02-18 19-48-31
![moira soloing everybody 18-02-18 19-48-31]()
talent's highlight do not pharmercy against me 19-02-18 19-38-40
![talent's highlight do not pharmercy against me 19-02-18 19-38-40]()
kariienore's highlight 19-04-21 18-19-17
![kariienore's highlight 19-04-21 18-19-17]()
nasty widow flick 18-11-28 18-19-24
![nasty widow flick 18-11-28 18-19-24]()
seeker saves the point 18-08-29 22-18-19
![seeker saves the point 18-08-29 22-18-19]()
zarya nanoboost 18-09-13 18-19-33
![zarya nanoboost 18-09-13 18-19-33]()
healer 19-06-18 19-46-58
![healer 19-06-18 19-46-58]()
genji got fucked 18-10-01 18-19-33
![genji got fucked 18-10-01 18-19-33]()
fighting soldier 18-01-06 18-19-33
![fighting soldier 18-01-06 18-19-33]()
Grand Theft Auto V 11.19.2016 -
![Grand Theft Auto V 11.19.2016 -]()
19 y.o. and I look so innocent