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Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrug

Sandbag Load

Sandbag Load

Leverage Shrug

Leverage Shrug

One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

Overhand-Grip Rear Lateral Raise

Overhand-Grip Rear Lateral Raise

Man Maker

Man Maker

Leverage Shrug

Leverage Shrug

Sandbag Load

Sandbag Load

Bottoms-Up Clean From The Hang Position

Bottoms-Up Clean From The Hang Position

Two-Arm Kettlebell Clean

Two-Arm Kettlebell Clean

Man Maker

Man Maker

Sandbag Load

Sandbag Load

Sandbag Load

Sandbag Load

Sandbag Load

Sandbag Load

Lever Shrug (plate loaded)

Lever Shrug (plate loaded)

Hing Hopper

Hing Hopper

Seated One-arm Cable Pulley Rows

Seated One-arm Cable Pulley Rows

Floor T Raise

Floor T Raise

Floor T Raise

Floor T Raise

Floor T Raise

Floor T Raise

Modified Inverted Row

Modified Inverted Row

Modified Inverted Row

Modified Inverted Row

Single Arm Banded External Rotation

Single Arm Banded External Rotation

Lever Overhand Triceps Dip

Lever Overhand Triceps Dip

Triceps Dip (bent knees between benches)

Triceps Dip (bent knees between benches)

Chest Dip (between benches)

Chest Dip (between benches)

Barbell Pullover

Barbell Pullover

Barbell Pullover

Barbell Pullover

Activation Serratus Push Up

Activation Serratus Push Up

Lever Pullover

Lever Pullover

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Dip

Cable Pullover

Cable Pullover

Activation Serratus Push Up

Activation Serratus Push Up

Barbell Pullover

Barbell Pullover

Cable Seated Front Raise

Cable Seated Front Raise

Barbell Pullover

Barbell Pullover

Lever Pullover (plate loaded)

Lever Pullover (plate loaded)

Incline Bench Pull

Incline Bench Pull

Sled Standing Triceps Dip

Sled Standing Triceps Dip

Sled Standing Triceps Dip

Sled Standing Triceps Dip

Cable Seated Front Raise

Cable Seated Front Raise

Cable Seated Front Raise

Cable Seated Front Raise

Sled Standing Triceps Dip

Sled Standing Triceps Dip

Lever Pullover

Lever Pullover

Cable Seated Front Raise

Cable Seated Front Raise

Lever Pullover (plate loaded)

Lever Pullover (plate loaded)

Cable Pullover

Cable Pullover

Lever Pullover (plate loaded)

Lever Pullover (plate loaded)

Incline Bench Pull

Incline Bench Pull

Lever Pullover

Lever Pullover

Incline Bench Pull

Incline Bench Pull

Front Delt Raise

Front Delt Raise

Lever Pullover

Lever Pullover

Sled Standing Triceps Dip

Sled Standing Triceps Dip