thanks orisa 18-01-12 12-51-59
Rialto, I love you
New Upgrades
Lets go to the pit
festive doggo licks orisa
thanks orisa
dva standing on orisa 18-04-16 00-53-00
Dva, orisa to rez
thanks orisa 19-08-02 23-49-39
orisa salt 18 02 15 20 47 52
temps fort de feux orisa 18-03-12 13-19-31
baptiste field save on reaper orisa from tracer's pulse
orisa wtf how did I hold point
saving orisa from mei
orisa wall from shield 18-01-26 19-47-51
orisa kill on sombra right before she's about to emp
Got Em
Ok Orisa go off
tuna orb pull 18-10-08 09-34-56
Gold Orisa
2 for 1 thx orisa 19-04-10 18-20-38
this is why rein counters orisa 19-03-27 22-27-31
don't forget to put up your shield! 19-04-20 22-07-30
elle est bonne l'eau ? #4 18-07-22 16-35-18
stay alive orisa! 19-02-01 19-23-36
Sad Orisa
vikskaya slurp industries
nice aim orisa 17-12-13 17-56-32
Get off of my Orisa, please..
crouch some more 19-07-19 23-03-13
that slooooow mercy death
double boop on orisa! 18-09-11 00-47-00
gitfukd orisa 18-10-03 09-41-46
ayaya another one
Lucio Ilios Well - Triple Boop on Mercy, Orisa & Lucio 20-02-26
damn orisa shield 18-09-11 22-22-55
hitboxxxix's highlight - orisa quad 18-11-20 20-08-04
Double Orisa Supercharger
Pog orisa shield
sneeky orisa 19-05-21 20-14-02
orisa anubis 18-06-17 01-44-23
orisa clipped 18-10-14 16-33-45
orisa is fun 18-09-10 18-36-18
moira orisa awareness over 9000 18-11-28 23-03-24
orisa 6k 18-09-07 19-04-38
orisa overwatch potg clip
orisa overwatch potg clip
orisa overwatch potg clip
orisa overwatch potg clip
Orisa (Snips456) [Overwatch]
orisa overwatch potg clip
Orisa Overwatch Reinhardt clip
orisa overwatch potg clip
orisa overwatch clip
Milking Process | Orisa Porn
Under the mistletoe with Orisa [Robot] [sound warning] (Pyro Enthusiast)