sym main plays ball for first time 19-07-27 18-59-41
sym dva combo 19-09-15 21-48-57
sym turrets lol 18-09-24 17-01-09
sym potg lol 18-06-04 13-22-26
sym is dirty in deathmatch
sym please come back wtf 18-08-05 06-17-13
sym god 18-07-29 02-04-04
sym god madalice 18-01-26 17-31-00
sym god btw 18-12-13 14-59-02
sym dragon 17-10-26 03-35-58
Sym Gameplay, am back
sym comp kill dumb flankers 18-06-15 18-46-58
sym comp potg3 18-06-25 21-18-02
sym potg in comp 18-05-19 19-05-06
sym comp the turret column 18-06-05 18-58-14
Sym Gets Out of Graviton Surge Large
sym 18-04-01 14-42-14
sym vs tank 19-04-09 06-21-04
sym 18-05-15 05-49-06
sym team kill
sym 18-08-27 13-53-14
Sym win
sym ffa rage 18-05-18 23-37-10
sym spawncamp 18-04-05 01-05-42
sym is disgusting 19-09-22 14-14-57
sym rage 19-08-15 17-27-02
sym is gross 19-09-22 23-05-33
sym dead but deadly 18-07-31 02-00-57
sym 18-06-07 12-47-42
sym quad 18-11-01 22-07-47
sym in a nutshell 18-05-05 01-28-14
sym skill potg 18-08-12 19-05-01
Sym 18-01-14 21-03-58
sym potg w bm 12 13 17 17-12-13 20-36-11
sym play2 19-11-12 19-07-36
sym 18-06-24 18-43-06
sym 18-02-03 09-49-00
sym lijiang 18-04-26 21-16-07
sym vols nano highlight 18-12-11 01-32-05
sym 2 18-08-04 19-33-30
sym achamo bs potg no limits 07.07.18 18-07-07 02-02-22
sym 2 18-08-04 19-33-30
Sym - watch the ammo count
Sym Potg
sym carries 18-05-09 15-44-02
sym reck 18-07-06 13-25-59
Sym - watch the ammo count
sym rialto robbed play 18-12-11 01-30-13
sym potg 10 25 2018 18-10-25 23-04-26
sym 17-08-26 22-29-34
sym potg bliz world 18-03-15 15-41-40
sym so sad 18-04-10 10-12-11
Sym is fun
sym shot through shield 18-01-02 00-18-14
sym ult 18-06-11 18-13-03
sym 18-12-03 18-51-20
sym plz 19-10-18 00-23-38
sym dm crap 18-10-10 18-36-36