Clip Fuck




Dropping an iPhone XS Down Crazy Spiral Staircase 300 Feet - Will It Survive?

Dropping an iPhone XS Down Crazy Spiral Staircase 300 Feet - Will It Survive?

Gatchaman endure electrocution

Gatchaman endure electrocution

_Is it ok under car rolling

_Is it ok under car rolling

Starlight Tanks Sniper Rounds

Starlight Tanks Sniper Rounds

Kamen Rider Wizard Haruto fights a monster unmorphed

Kamen Rider Wizard Haruto fights a monster unmorphed

Survives, but is forced to retreat from the Power Blaster

Survives, but is forced to retreat from the Power Blaster

Kamen Rider Wizard keeps fighting after blast from Phoenix

Kamen Rider Wizard keeps fighting after blast from Phoenix

Ken dodges missile then Izuna drops a man

Ken dodges missile then Izuna drops a man

Clothless Seiya tanks and shatters a massive boulder

Clothless Seiya tanks and shatters a massive boulder

Kamen Rider takes massive blast then his mana being drained

Kamen Rider takes massive blast then his mana being drained

Merlyn reflex durabilty

Merlyn reflex durabilty

Diggle Canary Cry

Diggle Canary Cry

DCEU Batman vs Superman

DCEU Batman vs Superman

Endures being crushed, then dropped by a giant

Endures being crushed, then dropped by a giant

Seiya survives a blast from Poseidon that destroyed his armor

Seiya survives a blast from Poseidon that destroyed his armor

Tseng vs Genesis' Fire

Tseng vs Genesis' Fire

Kamen Rider Wizard survives a barrage from Dragon to create DragoTimer

Kamen Rider Wizard survives a barrage from Dragon to create DragoTimer

Seiya launched high into the air from the bottom of the ocean

Seiya launched high into the air from the bottom of the ocean

Gatchaman Ken survives car being smashed around him

Gatchaman Ken survives car being smashed around him

Zack Fair vs Angeal Hewley 2

Zack Fair vs Angeal Hewley 2

Nathan Drake Fall 2

Nathan Drake Fall 2

Genesis Rhapsodos Breaks Sword and Cuts his own Shoulder

Genesis Rhapsodos Breaks Sword and Cuts his own Shoulder

Zack Fair vs Bahamut Fury Exa Flare 1

Zack Fair vs Bahamut Fury Exa Flare 1

Zack Fair vs Cannon Shells 2

Zack Fair vs Cannon Shells 2

Zack Fair vs G Eraser's Scorcher

Zack Fair vs G Eraser's Scorcher

Zack Fair Free Fall

Zack Fair Free Fall

Zack Fair vs Bahamut Fury Exa Flare 3

Zack Fair vs Bahamut Fury Exa Flare 3

Nathan Drake Explosion + Fall

Nathan Drake Explosion + Fall

Gatchaman Jun withstands rock to the face from explosion

Gatchaman Jun withstands rock to the face from explosion

Gungrave second explosion

Gungrave second explosion

Kara gun

Kara gun

Seiya hit by Titanic Hercules

Seiya hit by Titanic Hercules

Gatchaman Ken plane crash

Gatchaman Ken plane crash

Gatchaman Ken weakened survives Car crash and fire

Gatchaman Ken weakened survives Car crash and fire

Kamen Rider Wizard Infinity Style vs Philosopher's stone amped Gremlin

Kamen Rider Wizard Infinity Style vs Philosopher's stone amped Gremlin

Takes down some putties

Takes down some putties

Takes blows from Super Putties and defeats 2

Takes blows from Super Putties and defeats 2

Gatchaman Joe and Ken survive direct fire blast

Gatchaman Joe and Ken survive direct fire blast

Gatchaman Ken and Jun smashed to the ground and dragged by motorboats

Gatchaman Ken and Jun  smashed to the ground and dragged by motorboats

Shrugs off blows from Putties

Shrugs off blows from Putties

Takes a blast from the Knasty Knight and his Blade Blaster reflected at him

Takes a blast from the Knasty Knight and his Blade Blaster reflected at him

Shrugs off a kick from a putty

Shrugs off a kick from a putty

Gets back up after Tyrannosaurzord's Volcano Breath attack

Gets  back up after Tyrannosaurzord's Volcano  Breath attack

Harley durab

Harley durab

Sephiroth vs Genesis Rhapsodos 4

Sephiroth vs Genesis Rhapsodos 4

Sagittarius Seiya flies and blocks a blast from Mars

Sagittarius Seiya flies and blocks a blast from Mars

Seiya comes back from Rising Billows and shatters Sea Horse Baian's shield

Seiya comes back from Rising Billows and shatters Sea Horse Baian's shield

Zack Fair vs Ifrit's Hellfire

Zack Fair vs Ifrit's Hellfire

Zack Fair vs Vajradhara Tai and Wu's Tomahawk Boomerang

Zack Fair vs Vajradhara Tai and Wu's Tomahawk Boomerang

Tanks a blast that incap'd the other rangers and defeats the Fighting Flea

Tanks a blast that incap'd the other rangers and defeats the Fighting Flea

Takes two blasts from TwinMan

Takes two blasts from TwinMan

Has a car thrown at him by Lizzinator and is fine

Has a car thrown at him by Lizzinator and is fine

Hit by Boulders and blasted off a cliff

Hit by Boulders and blasted off a cliff

Gets back up after a blast from Titanus

Gets back up after a blast from Titanus

Clothless Seiya gets punched by Deathmask and shrugs it off, then overpowers his kick

Clothless Seiya gets punched by Deathmask and shrugs it off, then overpowers his

Kamen Rider Wizard tanks smash from Gargoyle, then lift and throws him

Kamen Rider Wizard tanks smash from Gargoyle, then lift and throws him

Odin Robe Seiya slices through a blast from the Nibilung ring

Odin Robe Seiya slices through a blast from the Nibilung ring

Seiya astro-projects to fight Mars

Seiya astro-projects to fight Mars

Seiya blocks Hades sword and takes a lightning blast from it

Seiya blocks Hades sword and takes a lightning blast from it

Seiya hurts Wyvern Radamanthys and takes his Greatest Caution

Seiya hurts Wyvern Radamanthys and takes his Greatest Caution