Clip Fuck




When you hear the ice cream truck outside

When you hear the ice cream truck outside

Picard. And the Tamarians. Communicating.

Picard. And the Tamarians. Communicating.

Federation Lawyers 4 U

Federation Lawyers 4 U



Whoops! Wrong security camera!

Whoops! Wrong security camera!

MRW I check my upvotes 10 seconds after posting

MRW I check my upvotes 10 seconds after posting

TNG Remastered: 1x16 'When the Bough Breaks' Comparison, SD to HD

TNG Remastered: 1x16 'When the Bough Breaks' Comparison, SD to HD

When ya own the Rhode Island so hard Harry Kim has to relive his worst nightmare

When ya own the Rhode Island so hard Harry Kim has to relive his worst nightmare

I'm sorry to hear that

I'm sorry to hear that



Good Strategy

Good Strategy

Long Live The Empire

Long Live The Empire



I'm glad you had a good time

I'm glad you had a good time

Good morning opinion

Good morning opinion

Take A Good Look

Take A Good Look

I Have Work To Do

I Have Work To Do

Other Way Around

Other Way Around

Patience is a virtue

Patience is a virtue

When you finally catch the bastard who's been screwing up your life

When you finally catch the bastard who's been screwing up your life

critical care002

critical care002

When your Tinder date turns up in a wedding dress

When your Tinder date turns up in a wedding dress

When your Tinder date turns up in a wedding dress

When your Tinder date turns up in a wedding dress

Inside Job

Inside Job

Always With You It Is Time To Sleep

Always With You It Is Time To Sleep

What just happened?

What just happened?

Skipping DS9

Skipping DS9

Wheaton's Law

Wheaton's Law

I don't have a life, I have a program

I don't have a life, I have a program

MRW I am host on the Zoom call

MRW I am host on the Zoom call

I told you you'd be disappointed

I told you you'd be disappointed

Better You Do Not Know

Better You Do Not Know

Tough Crowd

Tough Crowd

When you're arguing with someone and they ask why you don't admit you're wrong

When you're arguing with someone and they ask why you don't admit you're wrong

Must be some sort of fetish

Must be some sort of fetish

Resistance, in this case, is far from futile

Resistance, in this case, is far from futile

I wouldn't do that

I wouldn't do that

Greater Optimism

Greater Optimism

It's been a while

It's been a while

That Was A Joke

That Was A Joke

What's happening here?

What's happening here?

We Did It

We Did It

WIDESCREEN - Wrath of Khan - Mutara Nebula Battle (Part 2)

WIDESCREEN - Wrath of Khan - Mutara Nebula Battle (Part 2)

chancellor gorkon I shall look forward to that

chancellor gorkon I shall look forward to that

Member of the cabal

Member of the cabal

Week From Hell

Week From Hell

Poor choice of words

Poor choice of words

Shall I flog them as well?

Shall I flog them as well?

Starbase 80

Starbase 80





New Scythe

New Scythe

Disco Doc

Disco Doc

Transporter malfunction

Transporter malfunction

Scanning (long)

Scanning (long)

Grudge (Short)

Grudge (Short)

Grand Tour

Grand Tour

Grudge (long)

Grudge (long)

That alone makes it all worthwhile

That alone makes it all worthwhile

Star Trek Beyond clip

Star Trek Beyond clip