Dwayne Johnson - Wink
Charlize Theron - Yes
comparatively speaking to the macho man randy savage you are nothing but garbage, yeah
???4'11'' 94lbs - Yeah, I'm tiny, but doesn't mean I'm delicate or fragile!! Neither is she!! Don't go easy on us, do your best to rock our world, we can take it!! OK?? Promise??????
I mean......yeah🤣🤣🤣
Exploding cocks tigger me, err…I mean tik tok cuties. Yeah
I can't wait to be a YouTuber! Yeah.... wait. I mean, I can't wait to be a fake titted bimbo who gets wet at the idea of guys jerking off to her silly cum covered face! Yeah that's it! 🥰
Your girl and her bestfriend. Yeah she was right,she didn’t cheat on you,because no penetration means no cheating!
What a party! (MLP warning) (By the way, wanted to learn about your opinion on furry\yiff, are you okay with that? I mean yeah, that's MLP, but... a futanari horsecock?!)
I mean yeah, it feels kinda nice but I would just rather be on my phone