Sam ♡ - I was hesitant about posting but my Baby daddy said I look good ? Took this 18 days after having our baby boy !??
Epic @sam_kolder! About his highest jump to date, Sam says, “I've been thinking about this jump for the past 2 months now. Today was the day
Who would smash my grandad It was so creepy seeing @hanridge like this lol. sam tiktok
This was such a fun party! And the guy who sings this song was there! fazebanks fazekay jasiah faze lyricallemonade sam tiktok
I don’t know what she was thinking would happen kristenhancher ? sam tiktok
Mexican Andy Flies Home (felt he was being used)
Club Tag
within days you made drastic changes. how could you not? sam was wasting her beauty on a lazy lifestyle, you just maximized her potential! look at! (RP)
She made sure he was still watching
Sam Rami reminding everyone Hollywood Jizzmop has a top-shelf ass was one of my favorite and a decent pair of grips-for Hollywood- were my favorite part of the last Dr. Strange movie
Sam, admitting she was wrong
Sam(antha) was an Instant Convert