My newest ovipositor came in the recently and I am so happy with how cute it is! It is Aquarius the Kelpie from Fantasticock. It's so small compared to my other one it's definitely great for beginners!
Tried out my Min Ovipositor from Fantasticocks today. It mostly involved me giggling about the ridiculous splorchy noises and digging around in my pussy for lost eggs!
TaRiss's Ovipositor - Wanna lay some "eggs"?
first ovipositor.. think I'm in love
🐰Easter Egg Hunts Coming🥚Buy Ovipositor Get OGGs🥚🥚🥚🥚
DECEMBER NEW ARRIVAL The long-awaited ovipositor will be launched for the first time. Would like to hear your thoughts on the ovipositor.🐛
using my ovipositor to DP myself! ♡
Use ovipositor
Using my new Alien Ovipositor from Uncover Creations! 🖤
First time with my ovipositor. Obviously I’m now addicted 😻