Clip Fuck

Blitzcrank Ezreal JarvanIV Jayce Kayn Leblanc MissFortune Soraka Syndra XinZhao leagueoflegends ranked clip



Blitzcrank Ezreal JarvanIV Jayce Kayn Leblanc MissFortune Soraka Syndra XinZhao leagueoflegends ranked clip


download: BrightIdleBluebird.mp4


Blitzcrank, Ezreal, JarvanIV, Jayce, Kayn, Leblanc, MissFortune, Soraka, Syndra, XinZhao, leagueoflegends, ranked

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cheater is cheating his bum off in ranked.

cheater is cheating his bum off in ranked.

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