Clip Fuck

Covid 19



Zoom Star Wars

Zoom Star Wars

Thank you for your service

Thank you for your service

Real heroes wear scrubs

Real heroes wear scrubs

ACLU Free Them All

ACLU Free Them All

Save the world by being fat and lazy

Save the world by being fat and lazy

Nurses hold up the world.

Nurses hold up the world.

Statue of Liberty in a mask

Statue of Liberty  in a mask

Couch potatoes save lives

Couch potatoes save lives

Public Health: Fear of a global pandemic

Public Health: Fear of a global pandemic

Ramadan resistance

Ramadan resistance

American Gothic in masks

American Gothic in masks

Wash your hands, LA

Wash your hands, LA

Don't panic

Don't panic

Don't panic

Don't panic

Marilyn Monroe in a mask

Marilyn Monroe in a mask

We will get through this

We will get through this

People over profits

People over profits

Do nothing. Save lives.

Do nothing. Save lives.

Quarantine ignorance

Quarantine ignorance

We'll get through this

We'll get through this

Stay closed past Easter

Stay closed past Easter

Isolated but united

Isolated but united



Stay home

Stay home

We're all in this together.

We're all in this together.

Netflix and stay home

Netflix and stay home

Stay home. Flatten the curve.

Stay home. Flatten the curve.

Everything is canceled. Register to vote.

Everything is canceled. Register to vote.

Stay home chick

Stay home chick

Get comfy and stay home

Get comfy and stay home

Iftar from afar

Iftar from afar

Stay closed past Easter

Stay closed past Easter

Quarantine ignorance. Fight racism.

Quarantine ignorance. Fight racism.

Fight racism. Quarantine ignorance.

Fight racism. Quarantine ignorance.

Quarantine ignorance

Quarantine ignorance

2020 Coronavirus

2020 Coronavirus

Keep calm and believe in science

Keep calm and believe in science

The coronavirus doesn't scare me, your racism does

The coronavirus doesn't scare me, your racism does

Wash your hands

Wash your hands

Stop pandemics. Fund science.

Stop pandemics. Fund science.

Trevor Noah vs. Ellen DeGeneres

Trevor Noah vs. Ellen DeGeneres

Support workers

Support workers

The coronavirus doesn't scare me, your racism does

The coronavirus doesn't scare me, your racism does

Coughing while Asian isn't a crime

Coughing while Asian isn't a crime

Stop pandemics. Fund science.

Stop pandemics. Fund science.

Coughing while Asian isn't a crime

Coughing while Asian isn't a crime

Public health, not 1% wealth

Public health, not 1% wealth

Stop pandemics. Fund science.

Stop pandemics. Fund science.

Coronavirus doesn't make racism ok

Coronavirus doesn't make racism ok

Waiting for my stimulus check

Waiting for my stimulus check

Wellbeing can't wait

Wellbeing can't wait

Budget cuts kill. Reinvest in public health.

Budget cuts kill. Reinvest in public health.

Public health

Public health

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak

Trevor Noah vs. Ellen DeGeneres

Trevor Noah vs. Ellen DeGeneres

Clap for workers

Clap for workers

Fund public health

Fund public health

Keep calm and believe in science

Keep calm and believe in science

BREAKTHROUGH: Testing COVID-19 vaccine and new breathing machines on dogs

BREAKTHROUGH: Testing COVID-19 vaccine and new breathing machines on dogs

Live action anime battle with my kid under quarantine

Live action anime battle with my kid under quarantine