i miss plat 18-01-13 00-35-28
dps moira clearly better 19-09-07 21-46-40
eat shit little brother 18-11-24 15-22-16
rip tracer
winnable, shy! 18-10-26 19-21-51
mario mode 18-08-28 20-32-57
soldier shutdown pt ii
can we talk about how this wasn't potg 19-11-14 23-01-04
fuck off widow 18-06-29 13-47-03
oh ye 18-11-13 22-27-52
Henzo Main BTw 19-10-08 12-04-40
decent shots 20-02-07 17-05-50
phara head flick 19-04-27 22-09-53
wutlol 19-04-09 11-23-00
半藏三杀 18-09-28 23-13-45
sharpshoot no limits 18-10-06 01-36-28
xd 19-11-24 23-40-41
rekt 17-11-01 12-31-34
i miss plat 18-01-13 00-35-28
the fuck 19-01-31 22-17-34
2v1 18-11-28 22-40-25
sent into orbit
m 19-09-18 15-22-09
fucking hog dude 18-11-13 21-02-37
cool 19-04-07 12-54-16
the rare double-shutdown 18-09-15 01-12-56
thonk 19-06-20 21-59-26
notpotg 19-08-31 13-36-56
5k or some shit 18-08-09 01-44-46
finally did decent 18-08-25 23-55-39
so fucking tilted 18-10-07 16-34-00
the rare double-shutdown 18-09-15 01-12-56
180 19-02-03 02-08-44
i'm a hacker 18-07-17 20-15-31
flick 18-07-12 03-14-06
we lost 19-09-13 20-18-27
ooooof noice 19-10-29 22-59-43
pharahhasataste 18-11-15 23-35-53
intuitionisreal 18-09-23 21-59-34
get shit 18-07-03 14-11-04
sharpshooter 19-08-02 19-18-02
半藏爆头双杀 18-09-16 22-58-29
fastasfuckboiiiiiii 18-11-12 22-41-47
2019-09-06 18-35-53
get fucked reaper 18-10-20 02-18-04
this is why i'm plat 19-08-26 22-29-55
q isso 19-09-15 00-03-02
No idea how I hit that
ana pppoof 19-09-06 16-32-10
i miss plat 18-01-13 00-35-28
hanzo highlight overwatch clip