Clip Fuck




MMC after I get ran over

MMC after I get ran over

MMC after I'm in a nasty accident

MMC after I'm in a nasty accident

MMC after I get run over

MMC after I get run over

MMC after almost getting run over by a train

MMC after almost getting run over by a train

MMC after my uncle plays around with a gun

MMC after my uncle plays around with a gun

MMC after I get clubbed in the head

MMC after I get clubbed in the head

MMC after I fall off this truck and break my neck

MMC after I fall off this truck and break my neck

MMC after part of a building falls on me

MMC after part of a building falls on me

MMC after a truck tries to overtake

MMC after a truck tries to overtake

MMC after 2 hitmen fill me with bullets

MMC after 2 hitmen fill me with bullets

MMC after the ride I’m on collapses

MMC after the ride I’m on collapses

MMC after I piss off (another) angry mob part 2

MMC after I piss off (another) angry mob part 2

MMC after I perform risky parkour stunts and fall off a building.

MMC after I perform risky parkour stunts and fall off a building.

MMC after I climb a utility pole and touch the high power wires.

MMC after I climb a utility pole and touch the high power wires.

MMC after off-duty cop smoke-checks me at a restaurant

MMC after off-duty cop smoke-checks me at a restaurant

MMC after getting capped by an over-qualified baby-sitter

MMC after getting capped by an over-qualified baby-sitter

MMC After Getting Crushed Into A Building

MMC After Getting Crushed Into A Building

MMC after I shoot a man with crutches

MMC after I shoot a man with crutches

MMC after a block of debris randomly falls on me

MMC after a block of debris randomly falls on me

Make our coffins after my buddy and I get rag-dolled the fuck by a fucking bull!

Make our coffins after my buddy and I get rag-dolled the fuck by a fucking bull!

MMC after I get clubbed in the head for no fucking reason apparently

MMC after I get clubbed in the head for no fucking reason apparently

Make Our Coffins after I decide to go full speed in a wall

Make Our Coffins after I decide to go full speed in a wall

MMC after I decide to go head-first in front of an incoming truck

MMC after I decide to go head-first in front of an incoming truck

MMC after a stupid car runs into me for no damn reason

MMC after a stupid car runs into me for no damn reason

MMC after I decide to end it by diving under an oncoming bus (driver's POV)

MMC after I decide to end it by diving under an oncoming bus (driver's POV)

MMC after I get run over by a semi

MMC after I get run over by a semi

MMC after I get scooped away by a bus ( aftermath included )

MMC after I get scooped away by a bus ( aftermath included )

MMC after a train hits my car, killing one of my passengers

MMC after a train hits my car, killing one of my passengers

MMC after I shoot myself in the chest

MMC after I shoot myself in the chest

MMC after I swing out the window without noticing the pole ahead

MMC after I swing out the window without noticing the pole ahead

MMC after the planes discombobulate

MMC after the planes discombobulate

MMC after guys stab me for wearing wrong soccer team jersey!

MMC after guys stab me for wearing wrong soccer team jersey!

MMC after they get what's left of me from shredder machine!(I put up a vid a few days ago full of adware, this ones cool)

MMC after they get what's left of me from shredder machine!(I put up a vid a few

MMC after motorcyclist Spins Through Air After Hitting Road Sign

MMC after motorcyclist Spins Through Air After Hitting Road Sign

MMC after I'm burned alive by a furnace fire and there's not a single fire extinguisher around

MMC after I'm burned alive by a furnace fire and there's not a single fire extinguisher

MMC after I kill my self and Logan Paul uses me for Vlog content

MMC after I kill my self and Logan Paul uses me for Vlog content

MMC after I try robbing a guy!

MMC after I try robbing a guy!

MMC after I kill myself while falling on 5 month old baby!

MMC after I kill myself while falling on 5 month old baby!

MMC after a truck overturns and crashes into another truck which crushes me

MMC after a truck overturns and crashes into another truck which crushes me

MMC after i went back inside my burning factory to retrieve my phone

MMC after i went back inside my burning factory to retrieve my phone

MMC after i should have waited for the bomb squad

MMC after i should have waited for the bomb squad

MMC after I get thrown out of my car after a crash

MMC after I get thrown out of my car after a crash

MMC after my boss sticks compressed air up my butt!

MMC after my boss sticks compressed air up my butt!

MMC after we fight with knives

MMC after we fight with knives

MMC after my desperate need for social medias attention killed me

MMC after my desperate need for social medias attention killed me

MMC after I murder a whole church & civilians

MMC after I murder a whole church & civilians

MMC after I mass murder a whole church with no sympathy

MMC after I mass murder a whole church with no sympathy

MMC after i get vaporized during my livestream

MMC after i get vaporized during my livestream

MMC after i should have done that on tracks, not on the highway

MMC after i should have done that on tracks, not on the highway

MMC after biker can't see me coming...???

MMC after biker can't see me coming...???

MMC after i get trampled by an elephant

MMC after i get trampled by an elephant

MMC after i get utterly obliterated by a chemical reactor

MMC after i get utterly obliterated by a chemical reactor

MMC after my lungs expand out of my back after I'm cut with a machete

MMC after my lungs expand out of my back after I'm cut with a machete

MMC after I get drown in mud

MMC after I get drown in mud

MMC after people not knowing hot to drive in their own lane

MMC after people not knowing hot to drive in their own lane

mmc after I try to assassinate you.

mmc after I try to assassinate you.

MMC after the cable car fails

MMC after the cable car fails

MMC after I become the Human Torch

MMC after I become the Human Torch

MMC after an arab gives a clean shave

MMC after an arab gives a clean shave

MMC after I die of playing with balls

MMC after I die of playing with balls