mercy noonbomb why this 18-07-14 10-57-53
The supports and tanks I get
mercy say ahh 18-09-13 05-22-34
D.Va Mercy Threesome
Sure, I'll fix your mech
uh damn 19-10-22 19-50-10
Passs through the irisss...uh, guys? Hello? Anyone?
big boops 18-02-24 02-06-29
Baby D.Va Main
thanks roadhog
Maximum Cheek
Stuffing a Tac Visor
gotta love being bronze this season
I'm a sweaty plat
can't nerf dis
tank button
just stealing me some potg
im taking you with me
when your team doesn't push.
D.Va teabag
Another day another nuke
no spawn camp ult for you
thanks orisa
diva fall off map 18-05-30 19-27-53
Sorry pt4
thanks rein 17-11-15 14-47-56
5k bomb 19-01-24 22-12-36
Nerf This!
reins delivery
questionable's highlight (4 quad kill) 17-09-04 12-09-26
high nap
Dealing with D.Va in close quarters
TIL that you can hook D.Va out of her Call Mech animation entirely.
bye bye
That Outplay
bad manners bich
first bomb in years
scrim potg
MealyEverlastingKudu-mobile 1(1)
When the tanks step out of the winston shield...
triple 18-09-03 01-59-32
The rare, relevant D.Va PlayOfTheGame
i'm not sorry
genji's sad death
Who needs to aim?
Accidental Potg
sky captain 18-06-03 23-54-18
dva overwatch potg clip
dva overwatch potg clip
dva overwatch potg clip
dva overwatch potg clip
dva overwatch potg clip