Ruined blond whore cries after wild BDSM sex scene is over
ChiChi Bondage
Two caged blond chicks watch their chubby brunette bitch having hard sex lesson
She gave in so easily and now she is mindless and happy
FRA Officers captured and brainwashed
Perfect Slaves
Long Live The FRA
Agatha Delicious — Cytherea at coming soon
PunishTeens Slutty Caged Teen Obeys Her Master
from r/maledomempire one of my favorite subreddits
best way to make your slaves best friends (x-post /r/MaledomEmpire)
Collared puppy biting her new toy (x-post /r/MaledomEmpire)
Three titted cow (x-post /r/MaledomEmpire)
Slapping this cutie (x-post /r/MaledomEmpire)
Properly marked (x-post /r/MaledomEmpire)
Licking that tiedup helpless Ribcage (x-post /r/MaledomEmpire)
Another way to wash your pets when you're camping and there's no running water
House trainet petgirls are the most adorable animals, captured my SparkleCunt with my petgirl monitor crawling in circles while at work
FRA cunts start regretting it when they're captured
Tara works hard to please her owner
This cutie is enjoying herself
Breaking her will [X-post r/MaledomEmpire]
Cunt Farms keeps our best cunts on display and we make sure they're cleaned at 5am every morning
My PetGirls love marshmellows (x-post /r/MaledomEmpire)
S.L.A.V.E. Conference: Crossover tradeshow between r/MaledomEmpire and r/FemdomMatriarchy. Information, background and interest check.
But I'm Your Princess Master! Civilisation LLP would like to remind citizens that while it's absolutely fine for *you* to treat your cunt like a princess, if she starts to *think* she's a princess it's time for an intervention. Such as a degrading anal po
Civilisation LLP's Swift Slut Summary Episode 4: Men have taken to showing off their slaves on Cuntagram.
Gotta Catch 'Em All! My marketing department has apparently been watching too many cartoons but that song is catchy... and the lyrics pretty informative. (Much better with sound)
Thou Shalt Always Fuck: Historically one of Civilisation LLP's more specialist areas is working with religious convents to test whether their "free" women nuns really are sticking to their vows of chastity and dealing with them if they are not.
Freedom No More. I certainly don't object to "free" woman status being revoked. But the shambolic way it's been done has led to officer workers reclassifying and gangbanging their former peers on the spot.
Rehab is not the easy option. In our continued efforts to help cunts reach their potential, Civilisation LLP are offering rehabilitation programs to certain cunts convicted of crimes.
Culture Shock: it's quite a change going from "free" woman makeup girl to cunt fucktoy in the time it takes a man to grab you and drag you to the dungeon. It's also a change that's meant more wasted time and effort for Civilisation LLP...
Follow Her Example. Jealousy between a master's current and new cunts can be a dangerous thing; mitigate it by using your existing cunt as a role model and guide to show both that they are valued.
Not Such A Safe House: Using information gained from an unnamed source a Civilisation LLP operative just raided a location used by cunts from /u/FRA_Special_Ops in the badlands. As you can see, it went well...
Freely Detained: Now it's the DFA picking up and detaining formerly "free" women from companies we're working with. When will this disruption end?
Role Reversal: It's not just the private sector thrown into chaos by these changes. Even prisons are becoming chaotic.
Hands Off My Property! In the current climate it was only a matter of time before property rights started being violated. A Civilisation LLP owned cunt is *not* a free-woman to be reclassified and you are *not* free to use her without my permission.
Observing the Network: while aiding the DFA in tracking down one of the runaway former "free" women, Civilisation LLP became aware of secret communications between "free" women and cunts. We keep investigating this "Free Women Network" and as concerned ci
We got word that one of the “FRA’s best” was near our residence, Jade Wooden, that name ring a bell? She might’ve been one of your best (didn’t feel like it she gave in quite quickly) but she’s ours now, keep them coming FRA, more cunts to fuck and slaves
The FRA has known exactly where one of their captured agents is for months, but has been unable to rescue her. They're apparently more concerned with attacking men than their own supposed cause of "liberation."
A reminder to the FRA that there are consequences for their actions
So now I have to spend my days taking out FRA recruiters in the US. I thought I was going to have a quiet fucking life!
A Summer's Tale: Treated and Tested. When a master rents a highly trained cunt to share with his current slave for the weekend it's not just a treat for her... it's also a test of her talent and mindset.
A Summer's Tale: Checked and Correct. When Cunt Summer's master was kept away from home with business for an extended period he arranged for Civilisation LLP to check up on her. What we found was disappointing; immediate correction was in order.
A Friend Of A Friend: Civilisation LLP helped track down one the cunts who told the first about the Free Women Network. Sadly she didn't know much that doesn't mean her interrogation wasn't productive (or fun...)
Free Women Of The Empire, Would You Do Anything To Delay The Collar Just A Little Longer? Then Step Right Up And Spin The WHEEL OF PAIN!!!!
Janus Films Presents: Suffer The Consequences.
Punishment for supporting feminism
After submitting her application to ACEP, Chloe was overwhelmed by her nervousness & arousal [CLOSED]
Curious slave and her FRA friend giving in to the spiral