Clip Fuck




Survives, but is forced to retreat from the Power Blaster

Survives, but is forced to retreat from the Power Blaster

Morphin' Grid summons Jason to help the Dino Charge and Beast Morpher teams

Morphin' Grid summons Jason to help the Dino Charge and Beast Morpher teams

Defeats Twin Man copying his powers

Defeats Twin Man copying his powers

Absolutely SLAUGHTERS an army of Z Putties

Absolutely SLAUGHTERS an army of Z Putties

Lifts the Ultrazord by spinning staff really fast

Lifts the Ultrazord by spinning staff really fast

Evil Power Rangers Fights in Mighty Morphin - Dino Super Charge Episodes | Villains

Evil Power Rangers Fights in Mighty Morphin - Dino Super Charge Episodes | Villains

mmpr Gif

mmpr Gif

Remote Controlled Tyrannosarus Dinozord

Remote Controlled Tyrannosarus Dinozord

Zordon calls Jason a "fine leader"

Zordon calls Jason a "fine leader"

Creative use of the Enviroment

Creative use of the Enviroment

Beats Goldar Morphed

Beats Goldar Morphed

Forever Red One Liner

Forever Red One Liner

Red Dragon Thunderzord dropping finisher

Red Dragon Thunderzord dropping finisher

Teleportation is "Lightspeed"

Teleportation is "Lightspeed"

Combo attack with Dragonzord

Combo attack with Dragonzord

Super Putties Durability

Super Putties Durability