went for giant german armour, got smol frog 19-03-11 05-55-00
![went for giant german armour, got smol frog 19-03-11 05-55-00]()
I Got Rekt
![I Got Rekt]()
find ya mercy

swinger 18-08-31 21-49-31

poor reinhardt 18-04-15 21-36-03

don't mess with baabi (and ana)
![don't mess with baabi (and ana)]()
surprise #2 19-02-01 19-03-12
![surprise #2 19-02-01 19-03-12]()
Rein support murder w surprise genju 18-03-03 01-41-13
![Rein support murder w surprise genju 18-03-03 01-41-13]()
Scythe Usage in an Arid Environment

A Hot Death Wind Blowing Through the Valleys
![A Hot Death Wind Blowing Through the Valleys]()
comp rien counter charge fail 18-09-25 23-06-49
![comp rien counter charge fail 18-09-25 23-06-49]()
One Dead Mei
![One Dead Mei]()
It's Raining Men
![It's Raining Men]()
Precise German engineering
![Precise German engineering]()
sneaky rein
![sneaky rein]()
When the tanks step out of the winston shield...
![When the tanks step out of the winston shield...]()
You Were Saying, Genji?
![You Were Saying, Genji?]()
Do I have your attention!
![Do I have your attention!]()

That's it...Right this way.
![That's it...Right this way.]()
I don't normally play Reinhardt, but when i do....
![I don't normally play Reinhardt, but when i do....]()
hespect 18-07-03 03-11-22
![hespect 18-07-03 03-11-22]()
bm 18-10-02 19-30-45
![bm 18-10-02 19-30-45]()
givin heavyj the dick 3 18-07-07 20-56-58
![givin heavyj the dick 3 18-07-07 20-56-58]()
c 19-01-28 07-37-37
![c 19-01-28 07-37-37]()
danskjävel's highlight 19-11-11 22-19-04
![danskjävel's highlight 19-11-11 22-19-04]()
nacl's highlight 19-03-03 00-12-49
![nacl's highlight 19-03-03 00-12-49]()
fucking lul 18-09-29 01-03-32
![fucking lul 18-09-29 01-03-32]()
rein infinite pin bug 19-02-19 00-48-45
![rein infinite pin bug 19-02-19 00-48-45]()
shatterrrrr 18-12-02 22-04-51
![shatterrrrr 18-12-02 22-04-51]()
shitty internet 19-01-22 16-43-40
![shitty internet 19-01-22 16-43-40]()
airhug 19-09-05 22-22-18
![airhug 19-09-05 22-22-18]()
dubble waminy 19-01-27 17-13-13
![dubble waminy 19-01-27 17-13-13]()
fuck you blizzaed 18-11-17 20-39-34
![fuck you blizzaed 18-11-17 20-39-34]()
what the fuck happened 18-10-15 12-22-26
![what the fuck happened 18-10-15 12-22-26]()
sparda's highlight 19-10-12 00-49-50
![sparda's highlight 19-10-12 00-49-50]()
how to carry as rein 19-02-27 13-18-04
![how to carry as rein 19-02-27 13-18-04]()
bastion is ass cheeks 18-11-30 07-30-33
![bastion is ass cheeks 18-11-30 07-30-33]()
terrordactyl's highlight 19-04-22 00-47-27
![terrordactyl's highlight 19-04-22 00-47-27]()
sirlofish's highlight 18-10-09 20-12-05
![sirlofish's highlight 18-10-09 20-12-05]()
rein flick 18-10-25 22-04-15
![rein flick 18-10-25 22-04-15]()
get fucking rolled 18-07-01 00-16-26
![get fucking rolled 18-07-01 00-16-26]()
zarya - 3-pointer from spawn 19-08-27 23-12-28
![zarya - 3-pointer from spawn 19-08-27 23-12-28]()
nice shatter 20-01-31 01-11-34

fatty shatty

No U
![No U]()
Lucky Rein Charge
![Lucky Rein Charge]()
highlight overwatch reinhardt clip
![highlight overwatch reinhardt clip]()
highlight overwatch reinhardt clip
![highlight overwatch reinhardt clip]()
highlight overwatch reinhardt clip
![highlight overwatch reinhardt clip]()
highlight overwatch reinhardt clip
![highlight overwatch reinhardt clip]()
highlight overwatch reinhardt clip
![highlight overwatch reinhardt clip]()
highlight overwatch reinhardt clip
![highlight overwatch reinhardt clip]()
highlight overwatch reinhardt clip
![highlight overwatch reinhardt clip]()
fire strike overwatch reinhardt clip
![fire strike overwatch reinhardt clip]()
earthshatter overwatch reinhardt clip
![earthshatter overwatch reinhardt clip]()