Clip Fuck




Seiya injures Rhadamanthys and kills Lyra Orphee with Meteor Fist

Seiya injures Rhadamanthys and kills Lyra Orphee with Meteor Fist

Hades' Pissed Off Moments, Disney's Hercules

Hades' Pissed Off Moments, Disney's Hercules

Hades' Pissed Off

Hades' Pissed Off

Battlestar Galactica | Opening Scene

Battlestar Galactica | Opening Scene

Unico In the Island of Magic (1983) HD 720p

Unico In the Island of Magic (1983) HD 720p

Battlestar Galactica | Opening Scene

Battlestar Galactica | Opening Scene

[SFM] Pervy Pony meets Marey

[SFM] Pervy Pony meets Marey

[SFM] Pervy Pony meets Marey

[SFM] Pervy Pony meets Marey

Ryuga vs Ryo (Ginga's Dad)

Ryuga vs Ryo (Ginga's Dad)

Hades' from 0 to 100

Hades' from 0 to 100

Clothless Seiya tanks and shatters a massive boulder

Clothless Seiya tanks and shatters a massive boulder

Hercules/Best scene/Susan Egan/Megara/James Woods/Hades/Pain/Panic

Hercules/Best scene/Susan Egan/Megara/James Woods/Hades/Pain/Panic

Seiya survives a blast from Poseidon that destroyed his armor

Seiya survives a blast from Poseidon that destroyed his armor



Seiya launched high into the air from the bottom of the ocean

Seiya launched high into the air from the bottom of the ocean

Seiya instinctively moves and repels the Lightning bolt

Seiya instinctively moves and repels the Lightning bolt

Dodges Leo Aiolia's Lightning Bolt

Dodges Leo Aiolia's Lightning Bolt

Seiya explosed his cosmos, sending Crow Jamien flying

Seiya explosed his cosmos, sending Crow Jamien flying

Battlestar Galactica | Opening Scene

Battlestar Galactica | Opening Scene

Seiya hit by Titanic Hercules

Seiya hit by Titanic Hercules

Seiya explains Gold Bronze Cloths

Seiya explains Gold Bronze Cloths

Gold cloth comes to Seiya

Gold cloth comes to Seiya

Odin Robe Seiya cuts the Neibulung ring off Hilda's finger

Odin Robe Seiya cuts the Neibulung ring off Hilda's finger

Seiya, while weakened, hits Shiryu in the exact spot to restart his heart

Seiya, while weakened, hits Shiryu in the exact spot to restart his heart

Saturn derriba a los Caballeros con el Omega

Saturn derriba a los Caballeros con el Omega

Seiya daña a Hades

Seiya daña a Hades

Muerte de Hades

Muerte de Hades

Seiya arrives in Elysium

Seiya arrives in Elysium

Seiya lands multiple blows in a microsecond

Seiya lands multiple blows in a microsecond

Seiya weaves through Lightning Plasma and kicks Leo Aiolia in the face

Seiya weaves through Lightning Plasma and kicks Leo Aiolia in the face

Seiya knocks back Leo Aiolia

Seiya knocks back Leo Aiolia

Seiya comes back from Rising Billows and shatters Sea Horse Baian's shield

Seiya comes back from Rising Billows and shatters Sea Horse Baian's shield

Hades es dañado

Hades es dañado

Koga vs Saturn 1

Koga vs Saturn 1

Gold Cloth protects Seiya

Gold Cloth protects Seiya

Ninth Sense Seiya restores the universe and fights Apollo

Ninth Sense Seiya restores the universe and fights Apollo

Seiya can fly

Seiya can fly

Clothless Seiya gets punched by Deathmask and shrugs it off, then overpowers his kick

Clothless Seiya gets punched by Deathmask and shrugs it off, then overpowers his

Odin Robe Seiya slices through a blast from the Nibilung ring

Odin Robe Seiya slices through a blast from the Nibilung ring

Seiya repels the Titanic Hercules

Seiya repels the Titanic Hercules

Seiya sends Cancer Deathmask flying

Seiya sends Cancer Deathmask flying

Seiya stops the blade of Theogenesis

Seiya stops the blade of Theogenesis

Seiya drives back, matches, and defeats Ikki

Seiya drives back, matches, and defeats Ikki

Seiya breaks Aldebaran's horn, earning his respect

Seiya breaks Aldebaran's horn, earning his respect

Seiya blocks Hades sword and takes a lightning blast from it

Seiya blocks Hades sword and takes a lightning blast from it

Seiya obtains God Cloth

Seiya obtains God Cloth

Saint Seiya Atomic Destruction explanation

Saint Seiya Atomic Destruction explanation

Seiya hurts Wyvern Radamanthys and takes his Greatest Caution

Seiya hurts Wyvern Radamanthys and takes his Greatest Caution

Seiya gets stronger every time he gets hit.

Seiya gets stronger every time he gets hit.

Seiya burns his cosmos "Infinitely high"

Seiya burns his cosmos "Infinitely high"

Cosmo can lead him without senses

Cosmo can lead him without senses

Same Attack doesn't work on a Saint Twice

Same Attack doesn't work on a Saint Twice

Seiya's cosmo physically burns.

Seiya's cosmo physically burns.

Saints don't fall for the same attack twice

Saints don't fall for the same attack twice

battlestar galactica pegasus clip

battlestar galactica pegasus clip

adama vs cain battlestar galatica bsg bsg adama vs cain cain vs adama derugo entertainment galatica vs pegasus i'm getting my men clip

adama vs cain battlestar galatica bsg bsg adama vs cain cain vs adama derugo entertainment

adama vs cain battlestar galatica bsg bsg adama vs cain cain vs adama derugo entertainment galatica vs pegasus i'm getting my men clip

adama vs cain battlestar galatica bsg bsg adama vs cain cain vs adama derugo entertainment

adama vs cain battlestar galatica bsg bsg adama vs cain cain vs adama derugo entertainment galatica vs pegasus i'm getting my men clip

adama vs cain battlestar galatica bsg bsg adama vs cain cain vs adama derugo entertainment

adama attack baltar battleship battlestar galactica boomer bsg cylon edward gaius galactica james number olmos pegasus saul six tigh tricia william clip

adama attack baltar battleship battlestar galactica boomer bsg cylon edward gaius

battleship galactica battlestar galactica boomer bsg callis cylon cylon attack edward firefly gaius baltar james katee sackhoff number six olmos pegasus saul tigh science fiction scifi tricia helfer william adama clip

battleship galactica battlestar galactica boomer bsg callis cylon cylon attack edward