Clip Fuck




Seiya injures Rhadamanthys and kills Lyra Orphee with Meteor Fist

Seiya injures Rhadamanthys and kills Lyra Orphee with Meteor Fist

Pegasus Comet Fist

Pegasus Comet Fist



Seiya survives a blast from Poseidon that destroyed his armor

Seiya survives a blast from Poseidon that destroyed his armor

Seiya instinctively moves and repels the Lightning bolt

Seiya instinctively moves and repels the Lightning bolt

Dodges Leo Aiolia's Lightning Bolt

Dodges Leo Aiolia's Lightning Bolt

Jason lifts and swings Zack and Kim hard enough to send Putties flying

Jason lifts and swings Zack and Kim hard enough to send Putties flying

Seiya explosed his cosmos, sending Crow Jamien flying

Seiya explosed his cosmos, sending Crow Jamien flying

Pegasus Seiya kills Sea Serpent Saint with Pegasus Meteor Punch

Pegasus Seiya kills Sea Serpent Saint with Pegasus Meteor Punch

Recieves the key of Auric

Recieves the key of Auric

Auric fights Gasket, Archerina, and Nuklifier

Auric fights Gasket, Archerina, and Nuklifier

Gold cloth comes to Seiya

Gold cloth comes to Seiya

Kicks a cog hard enough to short it out

Kicks a cog hard enough to short it out

Pegasus Seiya identifies Dragon Shiryu's weakness after seeing it once

Pegasus Seiya identifies Dragon Shiryu's weakness after seeing it once

Seiya vs Mars

Seiya vs Mars

Takes blows from Super Putties and defeats 2

Takes blows from Super Putties and defeats 2

Odin Robe Seiya cuts the Neibulung ring off Hilda's finger

Odin Robe Seiya cuts the Neibulung ring off Hilda's finger

Jason's known martial arts styles

Jason's known martial arts styles

Alongside Zack, Dances around Bulk and Skull

Alongside Zack, Dances around Bulk and Skull

Seiya, while weakened, hits Shiryu in the exact spot to restart his heart

Seiya, while weakened, hits Shiryu in the exact spot to restart his heart

Forever Red Overpowers and stomps General Venjix

Forever Red Overpowers and stomps General Venjix

Forever Red Trashing Cogs

Forever Red Trashing Cogs

Pegasus Seiya attacks improve every time he uses them.

Pegasus Seiya attacks improve every time he uses them.

Shrugs off blows from Putties

Shrugs off blows from Putties

Leaps to the top of his Zord

Leaps to the top of his Zord

Dodges sealing beam

Dodges sealing beam

Seiya arrives in Elysium

Seiya arrives in Elysium

Pegasus Seiya 85 hits a second.

Pegasus Seiya 85 hits a second.

Seiya lands multiple blows in a microsecond

Seiya lands multiple blows in a microsecond

Seiya weaves through Lightning Plasma and kicks Leo Aiolia in the face

Seiya weaves through Lightning Plasma and kicks Leo Aiolia in the face

Seiya knocks back Leo Aiolia

Seiya knocks back Leo Aiolia

Saint Seiya Elysium

Saint Seiya Elysium

Dodges attack from Beetle

Dodges attack from Beetle

Gold Cloth protects Seiya

Gold Cloth protects Seiya

Tanks a blast that incap'd the other rangers and defeats the Fighting Flea

Tanks a blast that incap'd the other rangers and defeats the Fighting Flea

Jason recieves Tommy's powers

Jason recieves Tommy's powers

Polluticorn Durability

Polluticorn Durability

Red Ranger Armored Mode

Red Ranger Armored Mode

Has a car thrown at him by Lizzinator and is fine

Has a car thrown at him by Lizzinator and is fine

Finally completes 1010 reps

Finally completes 1010 reps

Warrior Wheel Explanation

Warrior Wheel Explanation

Hit by Boulders and blasted off a cliff

Hit by Boulders and blasted off a cliff

Red Armored Ranger defeats Polluticorn

Red Armored Ranger defeats Polluticorn

Fights and defeats the Dragonzord

Fights and defeats the Dragonzord

Jason is exempt from Mutant Rangers

Jason is exempt from Mutant Rangers

Seiya can fly

Seiya can fly

Odin Robe Seiya slices through a blast from the Nibilung ring

Odin Robe Seiya slices through a blast from the Nibilung ring

Seiya repels the Titanic Hercules

Seiya repels the Titanic Hercules

Seiya stops the blade of Theogenesis

Seiya stops the blade of Theogenesis

Seiya drives back, matches, and defeats Ikki

Seiya drives back, matches, and defeats Ikki

Seiya Pegasus Meteor Punch against Megrez Delta Alberich

Seiya Pegasus Meteor Punch against Megrez Delta Alberich

Seiya blocks Hades sword and takes a lightning blast from it

Seiya blocks Hades sword and takes a lightning blast from it

Seiya summons his pegasus cloth to himself

Seiya summons his pegasus cloth to himself

Seiya hurts Wyvern Radamanthys and takes his Greatest Caution

Seiya hurts Wyvern Radamanthys and takes his Greatest Caution

Seiya gets stronger every time he gets hit.

Seiya gets stronger every time he gets hit.

Cosmo can lead him without senses

Cosmo can lead him without senses

Same Attack doesn't work on a Saint Twice

Same Attack doesn't work on a Saint Twice

Saints don't fall for the same attack twice

Saints don't fall for the same attack twice

Theogenesis sword

Theogenesis sword

circle circled kate kate mckinnon kunis mckinnon mila mila kunis objectification respect the spy who dumped me clip

circle circled kate kate mckinnon kunis mckinnon mila mila kunis objectification