World's Greatest Stretch
![World's Greatest Stretch]()
Plank Row
![Plank Row]()
Banded Lateral X Walk
![Banded Lateral X Walk]()
Medicine Ball Squat and Underhand Forward Throw
![Medicine Ball Squat and Underhand Forward Throw]()
Cable Front Lateral Raise
![Cable Front Lateral Raise]()
Dumbbell V-Crunch
![Dumbbell V-Crunch]()
Cable One Arm Incline Push
![Cable One Arm Incline Push]()
Sandbag Turkish Getup
![Sandbag Turkish Getup]()
Medicine Ball Rotational Throw
![Medicine Ball Rotational Throw]()
Exercise Ball Lateral Raise
![Exercise Ball Lateral Raise]()
Exercise Ball Barbell Press
![Exercise Ball Barbell Press]()
Cable Lateral Raise (pulleys close)
![Cable Lateral Raise (pulleys close)]()
Southpaw Sprawl
![Southpaw Sprawl]()
Standing Banded Face Pull
![Standing Banded Face Pull]()
Gorilla Chin/Crunch
![Gorilla Chin/Crunch]()
Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Over
![Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Over]()
Pallof Press With Rotation
![Pallof Press With Rotation]()
Lever Seated Fly
![Lever Seated Fly]()
Dumbbell Push up
![Dumbbell Push up]()
Cable Bar Standing Incline Chest Press
![Cable Bar Standing Incline Chest Press]()
Barbell Rollout from Bench
![Barbell Rollout from Bench]()
Single-Arm Cable Row and Rotation
![Single-Arm Cable Row and Rotation]()
Sphinx Push Up
![Sphinx Push Up]()
Burpee with 180 Twist
![Burpee with 180 Twist]()
Medicine Ball Push Up Shuffle
![Medicine Ball Push Up Shuffle]()
Tree Chopper
![Tree Chopper]()
Dumbbell One Arm Seated Lateral Raise
![Dumbbell One Arm Seated Lateral Raise]()
Cable Assisted Wheel Rollout
![Cable Assisted Wheel Rollout]()
Goblet Side Lunge
![Goblet Side Lunge]()
Pallof Press
![Pallof Press]()
Straight-Arm Plank and Raise
![Straight-Arm Plank and Raise]()
Single-Arm Cable Row and Rotation
![Single-Arm Cable Row and Rotation]()
Pallof Press
![Pallof Press]()
Burpee with 180 Twist
![Burpee with 180 Twist]()
Deadstop Rack Row
![Deadstop Rack Row]()
Lever Jammer Press (plate loaded)
![Lever Jammer Press (plate loaded)]()
Dumbbell One Arm Lateral Raise
![Dumbbell One Arm Lateral Raise]()
Cable Bar Behind Neck Press
![Cable Bar Behind Neck Press]()
Decline Push-up (on stability ball)
![Decline Push-up (on stability ball)]()
Burpees with Medicine Ball
![Burpees with Medicine Ball]()
Medicine Ball Rotational Throw
![Medicine Ball Rotational Throw]()
Swiss Ball Pushup Plus
![Swiss Ball Pushup Plus]()
Depth Push-up (on knees)
![Depth Push-up (on knees)]()
Dumbbell One Arm Lateral Raise
![Dumbbell One Arm Lateral Raise]()
Eccentric Only Chin Up
![Eccentric Only Chin Up]()
Lever Seated Fly
![Lever Seated Fly]()
Cable Standing Incline Chest Press
![Cable Standing Incline Chest Press]()
Reverse Lunge with Twist and Overhead Reach
![Reverse Lunge with Twist and Overhead Reach]()
Exercise Ball Barbell Press
![Exercise Ball Barbell Press]()
Cable Seated Y Raise (with rope attachment)
![Cable Seated Y Raise (with rope attachment)]()
Smith Upright Row
![Smith Upright Row]()
Medicine Ball Chest Throw (on rebounder)
![Medicine Ball Chest Throw (on rebounder)]()
Medicine Ball Squat Get Up
![Medicine Ball Squat Get Up]()
Extended Range One-Arm Kettlebell Floor Press
![Extended Range One-Arm Kettlebell Floor Press]()
Lever One Arm Jammer Press (plate loaded)
![Lever One Arm Jammer Press (plate loaded)]()
Medicine Ball V-Up
![Medicine Ball V-Up]()
Eccentric Only Incline Push Up
![Eccentric Only Incline Push Up]()
Half-Kneeling One Arm Kettlebell Snatch
![Half-Kneeling One Arm Kettlebell Snatch]()
Smith Upright Row
![Smith Upright Row]()
Medicine Ball Overhead Throw Sit-up (with partner)
![Medicine Ball Overhead Throw Sit-up (with partner)]()