Clip Fuck




Tuvok Makes a Meme

Tuvok Makes a Meme

Data asks Guinan if he's funny zoomer

Data asks Guinan if he's funny zoomer

When you hear the ice cream truck outside

When you hear the ice cream truck outside

Rom loves The Grand Nagus

Rom loves The Grand Nagus

Janeway is tired of Tom and Neelix

Janeway is tired of Tom and Neelix

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

The Sisko

The Sisko

Data and Spot

Data and Spot

Trying to write bugless code

Trying to write bugless code

It Was Worth It

It Was Worth It



When I'm trying to hide my hangover from my boss

When I'm trying to hide my hangover from my boss

Worf Blowing Out Candles

Worf Blowing Out Candles

At the start of the school year when we take our sons to meet the Catholic school priests

At the start of the school year when we take our sons to meet the Catholic school

When the other giffers ask me if I remembered to make a birthday gif for Merritt Butrick, who played Dr. David Marcus, son of Kirk.

When the other giffers ask me if I remembered to make a birthday gif for Merritt

Bashir Describes His Ideal Woman

Bashir Describes His Ideal Woman

NewFriends 1

NewFriends 1

First interstellar shots from prototype of my new space game ;)

First interstellar shots from prototype of my new space game ;)



Starfleet PSA: Prevent the spread of Tarkalean coronavirus

Starfleet PSA: Prevent the spread of Tarkalean coronavirus



When you take your meal out of the microwave

When you take your meal out of the microwave

Martin Crane - Nice Post

Martin Crane - Nice Post

TNG Worf peeking out from behind a wall

TNG Worf peeking out from behind a wall



Harry is one of us

Harry is one of us

When a show builds up a story, then gets cancelled before a big reveal

When a show builds up a story, then gets cancelled before a big reveal

I'm glad you had a good time

I'm glad you had a good time

Good morning opinion

Good morning opinion

STO: Melee BOFFs are good, I promise

STO: Melee BOFFs are good, I promise

explain like im five

explain like im five



I Have Work To Do

I Have Work To Do

Other Way Around

Other Way Around

Miss Me?

Miss Me?

My Dungeon Awaits

My Dungeon Awaits

When you finally catch the bastard who's been screwing up your life

When you finally catch the bastard who's been screwing up your life

When your Tinder date turns up in a wedding dress

When your Tinder date turns up in a wedding dress

Finding your post hasn't been upvotes 10 seconds after posting

Finding your post hasn't been upvotes 10 seconds after posting

Charles Tucker Reaction 2

Charles Tucker Reaction 2

Stormtroopers board the Enterprise

Stormtroopers board the Enterprise

Oh Shit

Oh Shit

Skipping DS9

Skipping DS9



Odo Faith

Odo Faith

I Wish I Could, But I Can't

I Wish I Could, But I Can't

They're all true

They're all true

My heart was in the right place

My heart was in the right place

Universal Translator

Universal Translator

Wheaton's Law

Wheaton's Law

Neelix is a gamer with his mt dew and doritos

Neelix is a gamer with his mt dew and doritos

I don't have a life, I have a program

I don't have a life, I have a program

MRW I am host on the Zoom call

MRW I am host on the Zoom call

MRW I'm in a foreign country and charity workers stop me in the street

MRW I'm in a foreign country and charity workers stop me in the street

Better You Do Not Know

Better You Do Not Know

Everybody Dance Now

Everybody Dance Now

PCD Ignore

PCD Ignore

When someone tries to warn you that your gif has audio and then the Mods step in.

When someone tries to warn you that your gif has audio and then the Mods step in.

Data has hosted many villains over the years, does this make him a supervillain or a multi-villain?

Data has hosted many villains over the years, does this make him a supervillain or