Clip Fuck




Ball turret gunner 1

Ball turret gunner 1

trip kill and a turret Fist POTG 18-03-11 01-48-14

trip kill and a turret Fist POTG 18-03-11 01-48-14

Symmetra Turret Massacre

Symmetra Turret Massacre

sym turrets pogchamp 18-07-12 20-59-12

sym turrets pogchamp 18-07-12 20-59-12

when your turret dont wants to die 18-09-20 00-26-07

when your turret dont wants to die 18-09-20 00-26-07

3.0 turret potg 18-09-14 00-53-32

3.0 turret potg 18-09-14 00-53-32

USS Iowa Gun Turret Explosion - Australian TV News Item (1989)

USS Iowa Gun Turret Explosion - Australian TV News Item (1989)

solo barrage on turret core

solo barrage on turret core

symmetra - turret bomb 4k yeehaw 19-09-28 22-05-14

symmetra - turret bomb 4k yeehaw 19-09-28 22-05-14

Three ults, one turret boi.

Three ults, one turret boi.

purrincess's turrets are turrible 18-01-01 20-54-46

purrincess's turrets are turrible 18-01-01 20-54-46

star wars force awakens turrets

star wars force awakens turrets

No turret? No gun traverse? No problem!

No turret? No gun traverse? No problem!

tracer double+turret 17-12-15 20-55-19 - Copy

tracer double+turret 17-12-15 20-55-19 - Copy

killed torb behind his turret 18-02-01 00-05-14

killed torb behind his turret 18-02-01 00-05-14

I swear I was behind the turret!

I swear I was behind the turret!

mind blowing laser turret controlled by ponting your finger

mind blowing laser turret controlled by ponting your finger

First Hexa Kill + Torb Turret

First Hexa Kill + Torb Turret

turret potg 19-01-21 02-41-10

turret potg 19-01-21 02-41-10

Portal Mel's Stories turret bunnyhop

Portal Mel's Stories turret bunnyhop

YES!!! my highlight achievement is destroying symmetra's sentry turrets

YES!!! my highlight achievement is destroying symmetra's sentry turrets

World War Z Mortar destroy auto turret

World War Z Mortar destroy auto turret

Lion-O Destroying Turret

Lion-O Destroying Turret

raining turrets 19-02-25 21-32-21

raining turrets 19-02-25 21-32-21

my turrets dont lose 19-07-30 15-00-18

my turrets dont lose 19-07-30 15-00-18

First i'll murder your turret, then i'll kill you!

First i'll murder your turret, then i'll kill you!

best turret spot 19-03-16 02-11-23

best turret spot 19-03-16 02-11-23

why is that turret crap okay 18-09-15 20-52-36

why is that turret crap okay 18-09-15 20-52-36

nothing but turrets 19-03-22 20-07-51

nothing but turrets 19-03-22 20-07-51

2K Turret Teleport

2K Turret Teleport

play of turrets 18-01-17 19-13-15

play of turrets 18-01-17 19-13-15

I Love Symmetra Turrets

I Love Symmetra Turrets

symmetra 3 kill turret potg 18-12-09 01-10-05

symmetra 3 kill turret potg 18-12-09 01-10-05

Watch closetchild's Overwatch video: Symmetra POTG that doesn't involve turrets. Also why is the hightlight intro bugged/laggy. :( -

Watch closetchild's Overwatch video: Symmetra POTG that doesn't involve turrets.

turret tele lmao 18-10-10 22-19-28

turret tele lmao 18-10-10 22-19-28

turrets gottem 18-10-10 22-23-47

turrets gottem 18-10-10 22-23-47

go turrets go

go turrets go

Impressiveǃ turret placement

Impressiveǃ turret placement

B19A Turret Stabilizer test

B19A Turret Stabilizer test

Yeah, F That Turret 18-09-03 15-53-44

Yeah, F That Turret 18-09-03 15-53-44

Overwatch: Beta Turrets are OP

Overwatch: Beta Turrets are OP

Turret's PotG

Turret's PotG

4k ctf death by turret 18-02-20 21-56-53

4k ctf death by turret 18-02-20 21-56-53

death by turrets again 18-05-21 17-29-31

death by turrets again 18-05-21 17-29-31

symm turret balls o death 17-11-11 20-33-22

symm turret balls o death 17-11-11 20-33-22

Automatic Rotor Turret Friendly Fire Checking

Automatic Rotor Turret Friendly Fire Checking

Sd.Kfz. 234 with Luchs Turret in Czechoslovakia 1945

Sd.Kfz. 234 with Luchs Turret in Czechoslovakia 1945

"Team, take care of that turret" "nope" "... okay"

"Team, take care of that turret" "nope" "... okay"

triple turret tp op 19-07-01 21-01-05

triple turret tp op 19-07-01 21-01-05



Pro Torb turret strats

Pro Torb turret strats

VBIED with mounted .50 cal turret bulldozes his way into Iraqi vehicles before detonation

VBIED with mounted .50 cal turret bulldozes his way into Iraqi vehicles before detonation

corner versus middle turret coverage

corner versus middle turret coverage

Mid Turret MVP Performance pt 1

Mid Turret MVP Performance pt 1

torb turret tele 18-07-10 22-04-56

torb turret tele 18-07-10 22-04-56

turret b o m b 19-03-07 21-44-59

turret b o m b 19-03-07 21-44-59

Speed Potion vs. Turret

Speed Potion vs. Turret

mercy, torbs neuer turret 19-12-06 18-47-48

mercy, torbs neuer turret 19-12-06 18-47-48

My turret is always defending me

My turret is always defending me

Killjoy loves her turret (Tsmoke3D)

Killjoy loves her turret (Tsmoke3D)