Clip Fuck




Lever Preacher Curl

Lever Preacher Curl

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

One Arm Standing Dumbbell Curl

One Arm Standing Dumbbell Curl

Lying Cable Curl

Lying Cable Curl

Lever Preacher Curl

Lever Preacher Curl

Dumbbell Floor Fly

Dumbbell Floor Fly

Seated Zottman Curl

Seated Zottman Curl

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Lying Concentration Cable Curl

Lying Concentration Cable Curl

Standing Concentration Curl

Standing Concentration Curl

Reverse One Arm Cable Curl

Reverse One Arm Cable Curl

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

One Arm Seated Hammer Curl

One Arm Seated Hammer Curl

Gunslinger Lunge

Gunslinger Lunge

Lever Preacher Curl (plate loaded)

Lever Preacher Curl (plate loaded)

Lying Dumbbell Curl

Lying Dumbbell Curl

Seated Zottman Curl

Seated Zottman Curl

Hammer Curl Across The Body AKA Pinwheel Curls

Hammer Curl Across The Body AKA Pinwheel Curls

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat)

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat)

Standing Concentration Curl

Standing Concentration Curl

Lever Preacher Curl (plate loaded)

Lever Preacher Curl (plate loaded)

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Lever Preacher Curl

Lever Preacher Curl

Two Arm Cable Curl On Incline Bench

Two Arm Cable Curl On Incline Bench

Lever Preacher Curl

Lever Preacher Curl

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

One Arm Seated Hammer Curl

One Arm Seated Hammer Curl

Cable One Arm Curl

Cable One Arm Curl

Cable Standing Preacher Curl

Cable Standing Preacher Curl

Lying Dumbbell Curl

Lying Dumbbell Curl

Slider Lateral Pushup

Slider Lateral Pushup

Seated Zottman Curl

Seated Zottman Curl

Seated Zottman Curl

Seated Zottman Curl

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Two Arm Cable Curl On Incline Bench

Two Arm Cable Curl On Incline Bench

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Two Arm Cable Curl On Incline Bench

Two Arm Cable Curl On Incline Bench

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

One Arm Seated Hammer Curl

One Arm Seated Hammer Curl

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat, plate loaded)

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat, plate loaded)

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat)

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat)

Seated Zottman Curl

Seated Zottman Curl

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat, plate loaded)

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat, plate loaded)

Lying Cable Curl

Lying Cable Curl

Lying Concentration Cable Curl

Lying Concentration Cable Curl

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Sandbag Walking Lunge

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Gunslinger Lunge

Gunslinger Lunge

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

One Arm Standing Dumbbell Curl

One Arm Standing Dumbbell Curl

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat)

Lever Preacher Curl (no seat)

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press

Steel Mace Row to Clean & Press