Single-Leg Stride Jump
Slalom Jump (with agility ladder)
Single-Leg Stride Jump
Medicine Ball Single Leg Lift and Chop
Single-Leg Bench Getup
One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch
Snatch Balance
Hinge Hopper
Dumbbell Burpee To Overhead Press
Snatch Balance
Devils Press
Farmer's Walk
Barbell Snatch
Dumbbell Overhead Lunge
Gunslinger Lunge
Sandbag Walking Lunge
Dumbbell Lunge and Curl
Dumbbell Lunge and Curl
Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press
Gunslinger Lunge
Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press
Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press
Sandbag Walking Lunge
Dumbbell Lunge and Curl
Gunslinger Lunge
Sandbag Walking Lunge
Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press
Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press
Sandbag Walking Lunge
Gunslinger Lunge
Dumbbell Hammer Curl to Lunge to Press
Dumbbell Lunge and Curl
Step-Up to Balance Frontal, Curl to Overhead Press
Dumbbell Hammer Curl to Lunge to Press
Step-Up to Balance Frontal
Step-Up to Balance Sagital
Box Jump-Up with Stabilization Transverse
Step-Up to Balance Sagital
Depth Jump